Wolf Cinema Owner's Manual
aCTIVaTe THe eDIT WInDOW: To enter or edit text, highlight the desired parameter (such as a
channel name) and press to activate its adjacent edit window. any previously entered text
ready for editing.
naVIGaTe WITHIn THe eDIT WInDOW: Press to move the cursor forward or to
move the cursor backwards as desired.
eDIT a CHaRaCTeR: To edit a highlighted character,
use and to scroll through the alphabet,
numbers, spaces and punctuation available. When
the character you need appears, press to select
it the cursor will move to the next character of
current text, if present. note that you can also enter a
number directly from the keypad — it will be accepted
and the cursor will move on.
aDD OR DeleTe a CHaRaCTeR OR sPaCe: To insert a space at the cursor location, press
Func . To delete a highlighted character (or space), press Func .
PRess (enTeR) WHen FInIsHeD: To accept edits and leave the edit window, press
nOTe: Press exit at any time to cancel changes and return to the previously-dened text.
enter numbers directly from the keypad in order to specify numbers representing projectors,
channels (source setups) or slots. as each digit is entered, it is displayed and the cursor moves
“07” to utilize this channel.
nOTes: 1) Once you enter the rst digit, this digit replaces all old digits. 2) If you press any non-
numbered key, the number entered up to that point is accepted and updated as the new value.
3) Press exit to cancel editing of numerical values.

Editing Text >

Editing Numerical Values >

Figure 3.3 Entering Text
2.3 5
2.35 2.35