For Your Own Safety,
Read Manual Before Operating Machine
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FNE<IËJD8EL8C% Read and understand this owner’s manual BEFORE using machine. Untrained users can be seriously hurt.
<P<GIFK<:K@FE% Always wear
?8Q8I;FLJ;LJK% Dust created while using machinery may cause cancer, birth defects, or
N<8I@E>GIFG<I8GG8I<C% Do not wear clothing, apparel, or jewelry that can become entangled in moving parts. Always tie back or cover long hair. Wear
?<8I@E>GIFK<:K@FE% Always wear hearing protection when operating or observing loud machinery. Extended exposure to this noise without hearing protection can cause permanent hearing loss.
D<EK8C8C<IKE<JJ% Be mentally alert when running machinery. Never operate under the influence of drugs or alcohol, when tired, or when distracted.
;@J:FEE<:K@E>GFN<IJLGGCP% Always disconnect machine from power supply before servicing, adjusting, or changing cutting tools (bits, blades, cutters, etc.). Make sure switch is in OFF position before reconnecting to avoid an unexpected or unintentional start.
;8E><IFLJ<EM@IFED<EKJ% Do not use machinery in wet or rainy locations, cluttered areas, around flammables, or in