The Model M1099 will perform many types of operations that are beyond the scope of this manual. Many of these operations can be dangerous or deadly if performed incorrectly.
The instructions in this section are written with the understanding that the operator has the necessary knowledge and skills to operate this machine. @]XkXep k`d\pflXi\\og\i`\eZ`e^[`]]`Zlck`\jg\i]fid`e^Xep fg\iXk`fe#jkfglj`e^k_\dXZ_`e\
If you are an inexperienced operator, we strongly recom- mend that you read books, trade articles, or seek train- ing from an experienced lathe operator before perform- ing any unfamiliar operations. 8Yfm\Xcc#pflijX]\kp j_flc[Zfd\]`ijk
I<8;Xe[le[\ijkXe[k_`j\ek`i\`ejkilZ$ k`fedXelXcY\]fi\lj`e^k_`jdXZ_`e\% J\i`flj g\ijfeXc `ealip dXp fZZli `] jX]\kpXe[fg\iXk`feXc`e]fidXk`fe`jefk le[\ijkff[ Xe[ ]fccfn\[% ;F EFK i`jb pflijX]\kpYpefki\X[`e^
;`jZfee\Zkgfn\ikfk_\cXk_\#Xe[dXb\jli\k_\jg`e[c\ `jjkfgg\[Y\]fi\gifZ\\[`e^n`k_XepX[aljkd\ekjfi dX`ek\eXeZ\%=X`cli\kfZfdgcpdXpi\jlck`ej\i`flj g\ijfeXc`ealipfi[\Xk_%
Pressing the red emergency stop button (=`^li\,) cuts power to the machine. Twisting the emergency stop but- ton clockwise and letting it pop out resets the lathe, so when you push the green power ON button lathe opera- tions can begin again.
:fdgc\k\ k_\ K\jk Ile 9i\Xb$@e gifZ\[li\ fe GX^\ (* Y\]fi\ lj`e^ k_`j cXk_\ ]fi Xep Zlkk`e^ fi k_i\X[`e^ fg\iXk`fej2 fk_\in`j\# ^\Xi Yfo [XdX^\ n`ccfZZli%
8cnXpjn\XijX]\kp^cXjj\jn_\efg\i$ Xk`e^k_\cXk_\%=X`cli\kfZfdgcpdXp i\jlck`ej\i`fljg\ijfeXc`ealip%
Emergency Stop Button | |
| Power ON |
Motor Direction Switch | Button |
=`^li\,% Lathe electrical controls.