W1751 25" Wide-Belt Sander
Belt Tracking
The belt tracking knob and lever (Figure 20) stops the
belt from tracking off of the drums and shutting down
the machine. Your goal is to position the belt tracking
lever so the belt tracks in the center of the drums and
the left-and-right belt movement takes a similar amount
of time.
To set the belt tracking, do these steps:
Note: Since each adjustment effects the other two
slightly, you may have to repeat or fine-tune the Belt
Oscillation Speed and the Jet Air Flow adjustments
after you do this procedure.
1. Complete the Jet Air Flow adjustment on Page 23.
2. Put on safety glasses, tie back all loose clothing,
remove jewelry, pull back sleeves, and tie back long
hair so it will not get caught by the sanding belt.
3. Turn the sander ON.
4. Observe the left-to-right motion of the belt as it
moves along the drum while looking from the front
of the sander.
—If the belt tracks faster to one direction than the
other, loosen the belt tracking knob and slightly
move the lever and retighten the knob. Through a
process of trial-and-error you will be able to adjust
this lever so the belt tracks at a similar rate from
right-to-left and left-to-right. This tracking will
occur between the ceramic limit switch levers.
5. Keep the sander running, and now complete the
Belt Oscillation Speed adjustment as outlined on
Page 25.
KEEP your hands clear of the sanding belt when
making these adjustments! KEEP loose clothing and long hair
secured and away from moving parts.
Figure 20. Belt tracking knob and lever.