Xerox Nuvera™ 100/120 Digital Copier/Printer Customer Expectations Document
•It is highly recommended to avoid printing over
http://www.xerox.com/go/xrx/template/009.jsp?view=Feature&ed_name=Supply_Library_pre_printing&Xcntry=USA&Xlang=en _US
•Images printed on Mylar tabs are typically degraded by toner scatter.
•Productivity for 8.5” x 14” paper is less than that for 8.5” x 11” paper – refer to the System Productivity section.
•The Token Ring option is no longer natively supported in DocuSp. Customers requiring Token Ring will need to acquire a bridge box from a vendor providing that capability to connect their Token Ring to the DocuSP® Ethernet connection.
FreeFlow Digital Workflow Collection
FreeFlow Makeready, Web Services and Process Manager, versions 3.0 and higher, provide full support for the Nuvera Digital Copier/Printer, but customers with earlier versions of these applications may need to upgrade since SPAR support will not be available.
New Capabilities in Xerox NuveraTM System Release 6.0
•New Controller platform offering faster RIP performance for complex data streams, as well as improved GUI response.
•Automatic adjustment of fuser temperature to paper weight around nominal 190 degrees centigrade, so as to minimize curl for lighter weight stock, and to maximize fuse fix for heavier weight and rough stock. Minor impacts to productivity may occur if there are large swings in paper weight.
•CRUM (Customer Replaceable Unit Memory) function recognizes intended toner, and protects against damage from accidental use of improper toner.
•Productivity enhancement for duplex unfinished jobs with appropriate media in N to 1 face up order.
•Xerox Productivity Plus enhancement, with two separate
•Note: ‘Curl Improvement Mode’ is not recommended for use in the Copier/Printer system.
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