Xerox Document Centre Reference Guide Page 11 - 1
11. Tracking Usage
11. Tracking UsageThe Document Centre has standard tools to track copy usage. Optional software can be installed
to track copy, print, scan and fax usage.
Standard Tools
Auxiliary devices such as key card readers or coin boxes can be connected to the
Document Centre. Refer to page 11-2 for additional information.
An internal tracking feature known as an Internal Auditron, is standard on all
Document Centre configurations. This feature provides copy management capability.
There is additional software available to remotely retrieve the usage data. It can then
be exported into a database or spreadsheet application for further processing. Refer to
page 10-6 for more information.
Optional Tools
The Network Accounting solution, in conjunction with a network accounting software
product can provide the ability to track print, copy, scan and fax usage by User or
Account ID. The complete solution will provide the centralized data collection of the
Document Service usage on a per machine basis over the network. Contact Xerox if
you need more capability than the Internal Auditron provides. Refer to page 11-20 for
additional information.