Xerox Document Centre Reference Guide Page 2 - 3
2. Start Here
Bold typeface identifies the first mention of major features or
selections and their associated options.
Italic typeface is used to emphasize a word or phrase. For example:
Always follow safety procedures when operating equipment. In
addition, references to other chapters, publications, or features are
displayed in Italic typeface.
NOTE statements provides information that may affect a task. For
NOTE Changing the defaults will affect every subsequent job. If you have
a series of jobs that use the same programming features, consider
using the Stored Programming feature.
CAUTION statements identify mechanical damage that can result
from an action or alert the us er of a potent ially critical procedure or
practice. For example:
CAUTION Ensure that the power connection satisfies the following
WARNING statements alert you to conditions that may affect your
safety or that of other personnel. For example:
WARNING Do not touch the rolls of the fuser when you change the Fuser
Module. The rolls are hot.