Page 4 - 16 Xerox Document Centre Reference Guide
How to use the Image Quality settingsLighten:
Reproduces more detail
in the darker areas of an
original or suppresses the
background if you are not
satisfied with the output
after using Background
However: Lighter
settings result in lighter
and thinner text and lines
and lighter solids.
Use to copy low density
areas such as pencil
marks on the original.
However: The darker the
setting, the heavier and
thicker the text and lines
and the darker the solids
will appear on your
output. There is also a
risk of creating a light
gray background with the
higher settings.
Suppression - Off:
Use to copy originals
having a colored or
gray border. Improves
copy quality of light
originals if you are
dissatisfied with the
output after using the
Darken adjustment.
However: There is
also a risk of creating
a light gray
Suppression - On:
This factory default setting
suppresses the background
from originals on colored
or gray paper.
It can also be used to
suppress paste-up lines,
pencil marks, backside
show-through, or light
smudges on originals.
However: Some light
original images may not
copy well.
Text :
Use if copying only
text and lines because
it provides the sharpest
text and line output.
However: It produces
high contrast pictures
with most details lost
in light an d dark are as.
Halftone Photo:
Enhances a picture or
graphic if copying
originals with text,
lines, graphics, and
However: Sharpness is
slightly decreased for
text and lines.
This setting provides
the best copy quality
for photographs
without any text or
However: It can be
used to copy pictures
with text and graphics,
but the text and lines
will appear less sharp.
There is also the risk of
moiré when copying
halftone pictures.
This factory default
setting accommodates
most types of originals.
It delivers excellent
text and line output.
However: It produces
somewhat dark pictures
with some detail lost in
both light and dark