CP300 Owner’s Manual 101
Factory Setting ListVoice settings [VOICE EDIT]
All the Voice settings differ depending on the current Voice.
Other settings [OTHER SETTING]
Parameter name Settings Value Page
MidiOutChannel Setting the MIDI transmit channel Main: Ch 1
Left: Ch 2
Layer: Ch 3
Left Layer: Ch 4
MidiInChannel Setting the MIDI receive channel Ch 1 – 16: Song
Ch 17: Keyboard
Ch 18: Main
Ch 19: Left
Ch 20: Layer
Ch 21: Left Layer
Ch 22 – 32: Off
LocalControl Turning local control on/off On 65
MidiOutSelect Selecting performance from the keyboard or Song data for
MIDI transmission
Keyboard 65
ReceiveParameter Selecting the types of data received via MIDI All data: On 66
TransmitParameter Selecting the types of data transmitted via MIDI All data: On 66
IntialSetup Transmitting the initial settings on the panel — 66
BulkDump Executing Voice data bulk dump Current 66
Parameter name Settings Value Page
TouchResponse Selecting the touch response Medium 68
Tune Fine tuning the pitch A3 = 440.0 Hz 68
PianoTuningCurve Selecting a tuning curve for a Piano Voice Stretch 68
Scale Selecting a scale Equal 68
SplitPoint Specifying the Split Point (Main) F#269
SplitPoint2 Specifying the Split Point 2 (Layer) F#269
Transpose Changing the key Keyboard = 0
Song = 0
SoftPedalDepth Adjusting the depth of the Soft pedal 5 69
StringResonanceDepth Setting the depth of String Resonance 5 69
SustainSamplingDepth Setting the depth of Sustain Sampling for the Sustain pedal 5 69
KeyOffSamplingDepth Specifying the volume of the Key-off sound 5 70
VibraphonePedalMode Selecting a pedal function for Vibraphone Voice PianoLike 70
PedalPlay/Pause Assigning the SONG [PLAY/PAUSE] function to the pedal All pedals: Off 70
PedalType Selecting a pedal type Pedal 1, Pedal 2, Pedal
3: Make; Pedal 4: Break