CP300 Owner’s Manual 101
Factory Setting List

Voice settings [VOICE EDIT]

All the Voice settings differ depending on the current Voice.


Other settings [OTHER SETTING]

Parameter name Settings Value Page
MidiOutChannel Setting the MIDI transmit channel Main: Ch 1
Left: Ch 2
Layer: Ch 3
Left Layer: Ch 4
MidiInChannel Setting the MIDI receive channel Ch 1 – 16: Song
Ch 17: Keyboard
Ch 18: Main
Ch 19: Left
Ch 20: Layer
Ch 21: Left Layer
Ch 22 – 32: Off
LocalControl Turning local control on/off On 65
MidiOutSelect Selecting performance from the keyboard or Song data for
MIDI transmission
Keyboard 65
ReceiveParameter Selecting the types of data received via MIDI All data: On 66
TransmitParameter Selecting the types of data transmitted via MIDI All data: On 66
IntialSetup Transmitting the initial settings on the panel 66
BulkDump Executing Voice data bulk dump Current 66
Parameter name Settings Value Page
TouchResponse Selecting the touch response Medium 68
Tune Fine tuning the pitch A3 = 440.0 Hz 68
PianoTuningCurve Selecting a tuning curve for a Piano Voice Stretch 68
Scale Selecting a scale Equal 68
SplitPoint Specifying the Split Point (Main) F#269
SplitPoint2 Specifying the Split Point 2 (Layer) F#269
Transpose Changing the key Keyboard = 0
Song = 0
SoftPedalDepth Adjusting the depth of the Soft pedal 5 69
StringResonanceDepth Setting the depth of String Resonance 5 69
SustainSamplingDepth Setting the depth of Sustain Sampling for the Sustain pedal 5 69
KeyOffSamplingDepth Specifying the volume of the Key-off sound 5 70
VibraphonePedalMode Selecting a pedal function for Vibraphone Voice PianoLike 70
PedalPlay/Pause Assigning the SONG [PLAY/PAUSE] function to the pedal All pedals: Off 70
PedalType Selecting a pedal type Pedal 1, Pedal 2, Pedal
3: Make; Pedal 4: Break