Message List
CP300 Owner’s Manual 97
MIDI Bulk data is being transmitted.
This message appears when the instrument receives a bulk request from a computer. The
instrument has failed to transmit Voice bulk data.
Check the cable connection and repeat the procedure from the beginning.
The Song name or Performance file name is not appropriate.
1. This message appears when you have used a period or space at the beginning of a
Song name/Performance file (while handling a Song/Performance file), or you have tried
to change a Song name by including a character (or characters) not supported by the
instrument. The instrument returns to previous display after three seconds. Make sure to
enter a valid name.
2. This message will appear if a different “Character Code” (page 84) is selected than was
when you assigned the Song name or Performance file name. In this case, switch the
“Character Code,” re-select the Song or Performance file.
Message Description