The 32 Performances in variations C, D use the Grand Piano 1 Voice.
B07 Organ Upper/Lower Dual+Split JazzOrgan SoloSine Jazz Organ Simulates a dual-manual organ.
Play chords in the left hand, and
solo with the right.
B08 E.Piano/GrandPiano Split GrandPiano1 Phaser E.Piano Play chords in the left hand on
an electric piano with phaser
applied, and piano solo in the
B09 JazzOrg/GrandPiano Split GrandPiano1 Jazz Organ Play organ backing in the left
hand, and piano solo in the
B10 SynBass/SynBrass Dual+Split SynBrss1 SynBrss1
Play synth bass in the left hand,
and bright synth brass in the
B11 Delay E.Piano Single
Electric piano with delay
applied to create a sense of
B12 Room Piano Single GrandPiano1 Piano that sounds as if heard at
a distance in a spacious room.
B13 Old piano Single GrandPiano2 Simulation of a piano sound
heard on an old record. Distorts
slightly as you play harder.
B14 Baroque Ensemble Dual+Split Hc8'+4' PipeOrganP Strings Choir Play strings and chorus in the
left hand, and harpsichord and
pipe organ in the right.
B15 AOR Split Dual+Split GrandPiano2 SynthPad1 E.Bass MuteGtr Rich sound that lets you play
muted guitar and bass in the left
hand, and piano and pad in the
B16 Drum Kit Drm StandardKit1 The CP300 provides high-
quality drum sounds as well as
piano sounds. Try out your
drumming skills!
Number Performance name Type Voices used Performance discriptionMain Layer Left Left Layer