Detailed Settings for the Voices—Voice Edit
CP300 Owner’s Manual 59
This determines the types of Chorus effects used for the
Voices of the Main and Main x Layer parts. The Chorus
Type settings here are also used for the Voices of the Left
and Left x Left Layer parts, respectively. (These cannot be
set independently from the Main and Main x Layer Voices.)
This allows you to control the depth of the chorus effect for
the Voice.
nChorus Send can be set independently for all Voice
parts—Main, Main x Layer, Left, and Left x Left Layer.
Setting range: 0 – 127
This allows you to set the [CHORUS] button on or off for
each Voice. When you select a Voice, the [CHORUS]
button on/off setting for the Voice automatically changes
according to this parameter’s setting.
nEven if this parameter is turned on, the chorus effect is
disabled if “Chorus Send” is set to 0.
Setting range: On/Off
This allows you to select from a variety of effects (other
than reverb and chorus).
This applies only to the Vibraphone Voice and allows you
to change the speed of the vibrato effect (controlled by the
Modulation wheel), simulating the electric rotor on an
actual vibraphone.
This is displayed only if “Vibe Rotor” is selected for the
“Ins. Type” parameter.
It enables you to set the speed of vibrato when you select
the Vibraphone Voice and use the Modulation wheel.
Setting range: 1 – 10
Chorus Type
Chorus Makes the sound more rich and spacious.
Celeste Adds warm animation and spaciousness to the
Flanger Adds a sweeping, metallic sound, similar to a jet
Chorus Send*
Chorus On/Off
Main Set?-->
ChorusType ChorusNO YES
Main Set?-->
ChorusSend 48NO YES
Main Set?-->
ChorusOnOff OffNO YES
Insertion Effect Type*
DelayLCR Delay applied at left, center, and right positions.
DelayLR Delay applied at left and right positions.
Echo Echo-like delay
CrossDelay Left and right delays are crossed.
Symphonic Adds a rich and deep acoustic effect.
Rotary Adds the vibrato effect of a rotary speaker.
Tremolo Changes the volume level in rapid cycles.
VibeRotor Produces the vibrato effect of a vibraphone.
AutoPan Automatically pans the sound left to right and
back and forth.
Phaser Changes the phase of the sound periodically,
creating sweeping effects.
AutoWah Changes the center frequency of the wah filter
SoundBoard Simulates the reverberation of a piano
AmpSimulator Recreates the distortion effect of a guitar amp.
Compressor This squeezes the dynamic range of a sound,
giving the overall sound greater “punch” and
Off No effect
Vibe Rotor Speed*
Main Set?-->
Ins.Type SoundBoardNO YES
Main Set?-->
VibeRotorSpeed 6NO YES