CP300 Owner’s Manual 63
Detailed Settings for MIDI Operations—MIDI SettingsHere you can make settings for MIDI applications, such as MIDI receive/transmit channels and other settings necessary when
using the CP300 with other MIDI devices.
nThese settings will be retained even if you turn off the power to the CP300. If you set the Memory Backup’s MIDI Setting to Off in
the Other Settings menu, the MIDI Settings will return to the default (initial) values when you turn on the power next time
(page 71).
nWhile the Master mode is turned on, the “MIDI Out Channel” parameter and “MIDI Out Select” parameter in the MIDI Settings
menu are not effective.
MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) is a standard format for data transmission/reception. It enables
the transfer of performance data and commands between MIDI devices and personal computers. Using MIDI,
you can control a connected MIDI device from the CP300, or control the CP300 from a connected MIDI
device or computer.
MIDI Channels
MIDI data is transferred over 16 channels numbered from 1 through 16. Using these channels, 1 – 16, the
performance data for sixteen different instrument parts can be simultaneously sent over one MIDI cable.
Think of the MIDI channels as TV channels. Each TV station transmits its broadcasts over a specific channel.
Your home TV set receives many different programs simultaneously from several TV stations and you select the
appropriate channel to watch the desired program.
MIDI operates on the same basic principle. The transmitting instrument sends MIDI data on a specific MIDI
channel (MIDI Transmit Channel) via a single MIDI cable to the receiving instrument. If the receiving
instrument’s MIDI channel (MIDI Receive Channel) matches the Transmit Channel, the receiving instrument
will sound according to the data sent by the transmitting instrument.
For detailed information on how to set the MIDI transmit channel and the MIDI receive channel, refer to
page 65.
About MIDI
Weather Report
MIDI Transmit channel 2 MIDI Receive channel 2