Detailed Settings for the Voices—Voice Edit
CP300 Owner’s Manual
This allows you to assign a specific function to the pedal
connected to the [4 AUX] jack.
This allows you to specify the parameter controlled by the
modulation wheel.
Assigning the Pedal 4 Function
Sustain On/Off switch-type damper (page 33)
SustainCont Damper function that sustains the sound longer
the further down you press the pedal (page 33).
Sostenuto Sostenuto (page 33)
Soft Soft (page 33)
Expression Makes the sound softer or louder.
ReverbSend Adds reverb accents to notes being played.
ChorusSend Adds chorus accents to notes being played.
Brightness Adds brightness accents to notes being played.
Adds resonance accents to notes being played.
AfterTouch Adds after-touch accents to notes being played
(MIDI transmit only)
Ctrl #0 – #119 Adds accents by controllers #0 – 119 to notes
being played (MIDI transmit only).
Off No function is assigned.
Main Set?-->
Pedal 4 ExpressionNO YES
Assigning the Modulation Wheel Function
Expression Makes the sound softer or louder.
MainVolume Changes the volume level of notes being played
in the Main part. (Displayed only when Main is in
Dual mode.)
LayerVolume Changes the volume level of notes being played
in the Layer part. (Displayed only when Main is in
Dual mode.)
LeftVolume Changes the volume level of notes being played
in the Left part. (Displayed only when Left is in
Dual mode.)
Changes the volume level of notes being played
in the Left Layer part. (Displayed only when Left
is in Dual mode.)
RotarySpeed Changes the rotary speaker effect’s rotation
VibeRotor Changes the vibraphone’s vibrato speed.
Modulation Adds modulation accents.
ReverbSend Adds reverb accents to notes being played.
ChorusSend Adds chorus accents to notes being played.
Brightness Adds brightness accents to notes being played.
Harmonic Adds resonance accents to notes being played.
AfterTouch Adds after-touch accents to notes being played
(MIDI transmit only).
Ctrl #0 – #119 Adds accents by controllers #0 – 119 to notes
being played (MIDI transmit only).
Off No function is assigned.
Main Set?-->
Modulation Ctrl#001NO YES