BANK Source PGM CNG# = 0 1 2 3456
0 MIC Preset Name Off Mic Reverb Chorus Chorus+Reverb Karaoke1 Karaoke2
input gain mic mic mic mic mic mic mic
var type - - - - - Karaoke1 Karaoke2
1 GUITAR Preset Name Off Guitar Reverb Chorus Chorus+Reverb Tube Stack
(Note 1) input gain mic mic mic mic mic mic mic
var type - - - - - Amp Sim. Amp Sim.
2 KEYBOARD Preset Name Off Keyboard Reverb Chorus Chorus+Reverb Phaser EP Pan EP
input gain line line line line line line line
var type - - - - - Phaser Auto Pan
3 AUDIO Preset Name Off Audio Reverb Chorus Chorus+Reverb
(Note 2) input gain line line line line line
var type - - - - -
18 STEREO Preset Name Off Keyboard Reverb Chorus Chorus+Reverb Phaser EP Pan EP
KEYBOARD input gain line line line line line line line
(Note 3) var type - - - - - Phaser Auto Pan
19 STEREO Preset Name Off Audio Reverb Chorus Chorus+Reverb
AUDIO input gain line line line line line
(Note 3) var type - - - - -
BANK Source PGM CNG# = 7 8 9 10 11 12
0 MIC Preset Name Karaoke3 Echo Vocal Studio Oct Up Oct Down
input gain mic mic mic mic mic mic
var type Karaoke3 Echo Stage1 Exciter Pitch Change Pitch Change
1 GUITAR Preset Name Flang Gtr Clean Gtr Funk Gtr Tremolo Phaser 5th Guitar
(Note 1) input gain mic mic mic mic mic mic
var type Flanger Celeste Touch Wah Tremolo Phaser Pitch Change
2 KEYBOARD Preset Name Wah Clavi Rotary Orgn Synth Str Synth Pad Synth Lead SFX
input gain line line line line line line
var type Touch Wah Rotary Speaker Symphonic Flanger2 Delay LCR Pitch Change
3 AUDIO Preset Name
(Note 2) input gain
var type
18 STEREO Preset Name Wah Clavi Rotary Orgn Synth Str Synth Pad Synth Lead SFX
KEYBOARD input gain line line line line line line
(Note 3) var type Touch Wah Rotary Speaker Symphonic Flanger2 Delay LCR Pitch Change
19 STEREO Preset Name
AUDIO input gain
(Note 3) var type
(Note 1) The input may be distorted depending on the guitar that you use. Make adjustments using either the A/D INPUT VOLUME or the volume of your guitar.
(Note 2) For AUDIO, A/D1 is panned to the left channel, and A/D2 is panned to the right channel.
(Note 3) The stereo setting can be selected only for A/D1.
The A/D1 and A/D2 inputs are handled as the left and right channels respectively of a stereo signal.
AD input preset