MU90 Performance List
Internal Performance List (MSB=002, LSB=000)Pgm# Category Performance Name Comment
1 PF Concert Grand Rich full concert grand piano that simulates even the resonances
2 PF MIDI Grand Layered electric piano and piano. Raise MW for piano and pad.
3 PF 60s Piano Old stage electric piano with a bit of distortion effect.
4 PF CP Pad Pad layer that brings out the character of the Yamaha CP80.
5 PF Phase EP Electric piano with sharp phaser.
6 PF Rich DX EP Electric piano sound of the famous DX7.
7 PD Grand Pad Gentle and dark synth pad. Two-octave layer.
8 PD Pictures Synth pad with a layered 5th interval. MW controls the filter.
9 PD Movie Pad Big and rich string-type pad.
10 PD Aquamarine Pad suggestive of underwater.
11 PD Polypad Classic analog synth pad of yesterday.
12 PD Blonk Y Combination of analog sound and voice pad. Aftertouch controls the filter.
13 PD Dark Pad Dark pad suitable for pop.
14 SC Analog SQ 1 Analog synth with decay, suitable for sequenced phrases.
15 SC Analog SQ 2 Analog synth with short decay, suitable for sequenced phrases.
16 SC Rave Chord Typical chord synth, suitable for rave.
17 SC Short SQ Analog synth with extremely short decay, suitable for sequenced phrases.
18 SC Fat Poly Fat synth sound suitable for dance.
19 OR Backyard Organ Jazz-type organ suitable for accompaniment.
20 OR Old Days Organ Percussive organ. MW controls rotary speed.
21 OR Stereo Field Organ Organ with a sense of stereo.
22 OR Drawbars 1 AT Drawbar organ of the 70’s. Aftertouch controls the rotary speed.
23 OR Drawbars 2 MW Sentimental organ. MW controls rotary speed.
24 OR Full Church Church-style pipe organ.
25 OR Old Rock Organ Electric organ of the 60’s.
26 OR Progressive Organ Organ typical of progressive rock. MW has rotary speaker effect.
27 Gt 12-string Fantasy Twelve-string guitar sound, with pad added to sustained notes.
28 GT Wah Guitar Funky electric guitar with auto-wah.
29 GT Arpeggio EG Clean electric guitar suitable for playing arpeggios.
30 GT Rich 12-string Guitar Acoustic twelve-string guitar.
31 GT Pedal Steel Wheeler Pedal steel guitar. Try using the pitch bend wheel.
32 GT Chorus Guitar Electric guitar with chorus applied.
33 BA Hip Bais Synth bass with wah. MW controls the filter.
34 BA Rezzy Bass Synth bass with strong resonance, suitable for sequenced techno phrases.
35 BA Fuzzline Synth bass with distortion. MW controls the filter.
36 BA Bassline 1 Synth bass suitable for dance or techno.
37 BA Bassline 2 Synth bass with short decay.
38 EN Pink Bass MW Synth bass with distortion and portamento.
39 EN Vienna Strings String ensemble with an acoustic feel.
40 EN Orchestra Plus Orchestral sound with timpani on strongly played notes.
41 EN Synth Ensemble String ensemble synth sound.
42 EN Mello Strings Strings sound using fabled instruments.
43 EN Ooh Choir Chorus with spaciousness produced by an effect.
44 EN Compu Vox Use on sequenced phrases. MW controls the auto-pan speed.
45 BR Cutting Brass Sharp brass section.
46 BR Tijuana Brass Soft brass section of the 60’s.
47 BR CS80 Mind Brass sound of the classic Yamaha CS80 synthesizer.
48 BR Fat Ensemble Warm analog synth-type pad.
49 BR Tech Brass Synth bass with distortion, suitable for techno.
50 BR Thin Brass Classic synth bass of yesterday.
51 LD Mono Wire Lead Mild synth lead.
52 LD Vintage Lead Old-style analog solo synth.
53 LD Sticky Lead Synth lead characterized by velocity controlling the tonal change of the attack.
54 LD Saww Lead Percussive synth lead with detuning.
55 LD Fat Glide Fat-sounding synth lead.
56 LD Early Lead Mild synth lead with attack. MW controls the filter.
57 FX Dreamer Sweeped synth lead with gentle attack. MW controls the filter.
58 FX Slow Sweep Synth sound with slow filter change.
59 FX Flower Layered sound of harp and chorus.
60 FX High Light Synth sound that layers a variety of sounds.
61 PF DX Lover Rich electric piano that blends great DX-type sounds.
62 PF Clav Western Old-feeling clavi-type sound.
63 PF TX802 EP FM-type electric piano. A versatile sound usable in a variety of styles.
64 PF Chorus DX EP DX electric piano with chorus.
65 PF EP Velo SW Old-feeling electric piano where velocity changes the tone.
66 CP Cool Vibes Percussive vibraphone with reverb.
67 SC Poly Syn The great analog poly synth.
68 SC Tech Chord 2 Dance sound with layered minor third and fifth. MW controls the filter.
69 SC Hi Pass SQ 1 Synth sound using a high pass filter.
70 SC Eight Oscis Thick-sounding synth brass.
71 SC HPF Flight Light-feeling synth lead suitable for sequenced phrases.
72 SC Acid Hook Percussive synth sound. Also usable as synth bass.
73 SC Fat Comp Versatile comping sound that can be played either as brass or as lead.
74 OR 70s Rock Organ Rock organ typical of the 70’s.
75 OR Click Organ MW Electronic organ with key click sound. MW changes the rotary speed.
76 OR Nice Organ Bright-feeling organ of the 80’s.
77 OR Sacral Organ Full digital organ. MW changes the rotary speed.
78 OR Baroque Feel Solemn pipe organ with layered strings.
79 OR Plain Pipe Simple-feeling pipe organ.
80 OR French Accordion Accordion with a French touch.
81 OR Lambada Accordion Accordion suitable for tango or lambada.
82 BA Vacuum Bass Thick bass with phaser.
83 BA Water Phase Bass Thick bass with distinctive tonal changes controlled by velocity.
84 BA Frankfurt Bass Synth bass with deep resonance, suitable for sequenced phrases.
85 KS Pizza Time Split ensemble strings and pizzicato.
86 RD Soft Sax Section Mild sax section with four saxes combined.
87 ET Banjo Man Banjo sound suitable for Dixie style.
88 ET Kanoonics Kanoon (an instrument sounding similar to a koto) with a percussive feel.