MIDI Data Format
222.4.2 MU80 Native dump request
This message requests that all parameter values of the specified block of MU80 native
parameters be transmitted. The transmitted data will be in MU80 Native Bulk Dump
format (see 2.2.2).
11110000 F0H Exclusive status
01000011 43H YAMAHA ID
0010nnnn 2NH N:Device Number
01001001 49H Model ID
0ggggggg GGH Address High
0mmmmmmm MMH Address Mid
0lllllll LLH Address Low
11110111 F7H End of Exclusive
Details are the same as 2.4.1 XG Bulk Dump Request.
2.4.2 MU90/MU90R Native dump request
This message requests that all parameter values of the specified block of MU90/MU90R
native parameters be transmitted. The transmitted data will be in MU90/MU90R Native
Bulk Dump format (see 2.2.3).
11110000 F0H Exclusive status
01000011 43H YAMAHA ID
0010nnnn 2NH N:Device Number
01011001 59H Model ID
0ggggggg GGH Address High
0mmmmmmm MMH Address Mid
0lllllll LLH Address Low
11110111 F7H End of Exclusive
Details are the same as 2.4.1 XG Bulk Dump Request.
3. Realtime messages3.1 Active Sensing
a) Transmission
Not transmitted.
b) Reception
Once FE has been received, if no MIDI messages are received for an interval of ap-
proximately 300 msec, the same processing will be performed as when ALL SOUND
OFF, ALL NOTE OFF, and RESET ALL CONTROLLERS are received, and the in-
strument will return to a status of never having received FE.