MU90 Performance List
Pgm# Category Performance Name Comment
89 SC Sweet Wine Synth sound suitable for electronic music.
90 PD Pad Swell Bright-feeling synth pad with filter change effect.
91 FX Aquarius 90 Sound effect consisting of underwater sounds, voice, and struck glass.
92 ET Perc Shamisen Percussive shamisen.
93 PF Clav-babe Synth clavi with distinctive auto-wah.
94 PD Space Wall Synth pad with deep modulation.
95 CP Door Bell Music box with a bell-like sound.
96 SC FAT*SQ Fat synth lead with just a touch of portamento.
97 PF Clavinova Layered sound with piano, electric piano and strings.
98 KS Volksmusik Split sound between accordion and brass ensemble.
99 KS Jfunk Jammin Split sound between a solid electric piano and bass.
100 KS Alpen Echo Split sound between tuba and trumpet. MW controls the delay effect.
PF : piano CP : chromatic percussion OR : organ, accordion, harmonica GT : guitar BA : bass ST : strings EN : ensemble BR : brass
RD : reed PI : pipe LD : synth lead PD : synth pad FX : synth effects ET : ethnics PC : percussive SE : sound effects CO : combinations
KS : keyboard splits