Although the P-100’s keyboard feels like an acoustic piano keyboard, it works on quite different principles. Since the
P-100 is an electronic piano, it must determine how fast a key is being pressed — that is, the
of a note — in
order to know how hard the note was played.
The P-100 can respond to your playing velocity in a number of ways, depending on your selection of a
velocity curve.
This feature lets you adjust the keyboard response to suit your playing style. The P-100 has four different velocity
curve settings: NORMAL, SOFT, HARD, and FIXED.
The NORMAL velocity curve is a linear progression: the harder you hit a key, the louder the resulting sound will be.
The SOFT curve produces loud volume with a relatively soft touch. The HARD curve, on the other hand, requires that
you hit the keys fairly hard to produce loud notes. Finally, the FIXED velocity curve produces the same volume no
matter how hard you hit the keys. This last option is useful when playing the organ voice.
To select a different velocity curve, press the [REVERB] button
while holding down the [TUNE] button. The current velocity curve
setting will appear in the display.
Press the [REVERB] button repeatedly without releasing the
[TUNE] button. The P-100 will cycle through the possible velocity
curve settings.
When the name of the desired curve appears, release the [TUNE]
button. The P-100 will display the new setting for about a second,
then exit the function automatically.