Style (Auto Accompaniment) Functions

One Touch Setting

Sometimes selecting the ideal Voice to play with a Song or Style can be confusing. The One Touch Setting feature automatically selects four ideally matched Voices for the Style you’ve selected.



Select the desired Style. (See page 22.)

Press one of the ONE TOUCH SETTING [1]–[4] buttons.

3 Play the chord in the accompaniment range and start the Style.

Try selecting other ONE TOUCH SETTING [1]–[4] buttons and listen to the results.

Split Point

Auto Accompani-

ment range

Variation Change and OTS (OTS LINK)

When change the MAIN VARIATION [A]–[D] to other MAIN VARIATION [A]–[D] during OTS LINK is on, OTS 1–4 automatically change the number according to the selected variation number. (see below)

Press the [OTS LINK] button to turn on the OTS link.

Automatically change

58 PSR-S500 Owner’s Manual