SPX2000—Owner’s Manual 31
Reverb (PRESET bank)These are gated reverbs. The early reflections and subsequent rever-
beration can be controlled separately. By using the gate you can cause
only a portion of the reverberation to be heard.
Each aspect of the sound is controlled by the following effect parame-
Early reflections: INI.DLY
Overall effect sound: E/R BAL.
Filter/equalizer: HPF, LPF
Output level: OUT LVL, MIX BAL.
Parameter details
■Basic parameters
■Fine parameters
Parameter name Range Explanation
REV TIME 0.3—99.0 s Reverb time. This is expressed as the time over which reverberation at 1 kHz will decay by 60 dB.
HI.RATIO 0.1—1.0
Reverb time for the high-frequency range or low-frequency range, expressed as a proportion of REV
TIME. If this value is 0.1 the time will be 1/10th the REV TIME; if it is 1.0 the time will be the same as the
REV TIME. You can adjust these values to simulate the absorptiveness of the walls or ceiling. HI.RATIO
is the decay of the high-frequency range, and LO.RATIO is the decay of the low-frequency range.
LO.RATIO 0.1—2.4
INI.DLY 0.0—500.0 ms Delay of the early reflections relative to the original sound. This also affects the delay until the
reverberation is heard.
DIFF. 0—10 Diffusion of the sound to left and right. Increasing this value will make the reverberation more
DENSITY 0—100% Density of the reverberation. Increasing this value will make the reverberation smoother. You can
create unique effects by lowering this value.
Parameter name Range Explanation
MIX BAL. 0—100% Balance between the original sound and effect sound. At a setting of 0% only the original sound
will be output; at a setting of 100% only the effect sound will be output.
OUT LVL 0—100% Output level after the original sound and effect sound have been mixed. Decrease this value if you
want to lower the output. At a setting of 0% there will be no output.
E/R DLY 0.0—100.0 ms Delay of the subsequent reverberation relative to the early reflections. The delay from the original
sound until the beginning of the subsequent reverberation will be INI.DLY + E/R DLY.
E/R BAL. 0—100% Balance of the early reflections and subsequent reverberation. At a setting of 100% only the early
reflections will be output; at a setting of 0% only the reverberation will be output.
HPF Thru, 21.2 Hz—8.00 kHz
A filter that cuts the low-frequency portion of the effect. Frequency components lower than the
frequency specified here will be cut. With a setting of Thru this filter will do nothing. This filter
does not affect the original sound.
LPF 50.0 Hz—16.0 kHz, Thru
A filter that cuts the high-frequency portion of the effect. Frequency components above the fre-
quency specified here will be cut. With a setting of Thru this filter will do nothing. This filter does
not affect the original sound.
GATE LVL OFF, –60—0 dB The level at which the gate is triggered. The gate will begin opening when the level of the original
sound exceeds this value, and will remain open as long as the level remains above this value.
ATTACK 0—120 ms
The attack time of the gate. This is the time from when the gate begins to open until it is com-
pletely open. Higher settings of this value will make the gate open more slowly; i.e., the volume that
passes through the gate will rise more slowly. With a setting of 0 ms, the gate will open completely
the moment the original sound reaches the GATE LVL.
*a. The range of this parameter depends on the sampling frequency at which the SPX2000 is operating.
44.1 kHz: 0.02 ms—2.13 s
48 kHz: 0.02 ms—1.96 s
88.2 kHz: 0.01 ms—1.06 s
96 kHz: 0.01 —981 ms
The minimum time that the gate remains open. Even when the original sound falls below the
GATE LVL, the gate will remain open for the time specified by this value.
44.1 kHz: 6 ms—46.0 s
48 kHz: 5 ms—42.3 s
88.2 kHz: 3 ms—23.0 s
96 kHz: 3 ms—21.1 s
The decay time of the gate. This is the time from when the gate begins to close until it is completely
closed. Higher settings of this value will make the gate close more slowly; i.e., the volume that
passes through the gate will decrease more slowly.
Early reflections
Original sound