Getting started

Supplied parts

This product consists of the following items. Before making connections, make sure you have received all of the following items.

Subwoofer Integrated Receiver (SR-301)

Speaker (NS-BR301)





Speaker cable × 1 (3 m)Remote control × 1

Indoor FM antenna × 1



(U.S.A., Canada, Taiwan,

(U.K., Europe, Russia,



China and Asia models)

Australia and Korea





TV remote

Battery × 2 (AAA, R03, UM4)Mounting template × 1

Owner’s Manual

signal receptor × 1



× 1

Remote control preparation

Before installing batteries or using the remote control, make sure that you read precautions on the remote control and batteries in “Caution: Read this before operating your unit.”, and “Notes on the remote control and batteries” on the page 33.

Installing the batteries
Operation range

































Within 6 m (20 ft)
2 En