RFID Guidelines
Electronic Product Code (EPC)
EPC is a product numbering standard that can be used to identify a variety of items by using RFID technology. The
As with bar codes, EPC is divided into numbers that identify the manufacturer and product type. However, EPC contains the following additional information:
Additional fields may be used as part of the EPC code to encode and decode information from different numbering systems into
EPC Structure in RFID Labels
In the printer, you can subdivide transponder data into unique fields. You can customize these fields to create “smart” labels that meet your needs or that meet the standards necessary in EPC programming.
The ^RB ZPL command is used to define EPC structure. EPC field data can be delimited with any of the following characters:
, ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * . < > / \ : ;
See ^RB on page 81 for more information about and examples for defining EPC structure.
XML-Enabled Printing
This printer contains the
For more information about
R110Xi/R170Xi User Guide | 67 |