Closed Captions
Closed captioning is a process which converts the audio portion of a television program into written words, which then appear on the television screen in a form similar to subtitles. Closed captions allow viewers to read the dialogue and narration of television programs.
Using Closed Captions
Caption Tips
Captions are the subtitles for the dialogue and narration of television programs. For prerecorded programs, program dialogue can be arranged into captions in advance. It is possible to caption a live program by using a process called
Captioning is an effective system for the
• The picture at left shows a typical caption.
•Not all TV broadcasts include closed caption signals.
•Sometimes TV stations broadcast two different caption signals on the same channel. By selecting CC 1 or CC2, you can choose which signal you view. CC 1 is usually the signal with the captions, while CC 2 might show demonstration or programming information.
•Your TV might not display caption signals correctly under the following circumstances.
1. Poor reception conditions are encountered:
Picture may flutter, drift, display black spots or horizontal streaking, which are usuallycaused by interference from automobile ignition systems, neon lamps, electrical drills or other electrical appliances.
Ghosts are caused when the TV signal splits and follows two paths. One is the direct path and the other is reflected off tall buildings, hills or other objects. Changing the direction or position of the antenna may improve reception.
If your TV is located at the weak, fringe area of a TV signal, your picture may be marred by small dots. It may be necessary to install a special antenna to improve the picture.
2.An old, bad or illegally recorded being played.
3.Strong, random signals from a car or airplane interfere with the TV signal.
4.The signal from the antenna is weak.
5.The program wasn't captioned when it was produced, transmitted or taped.