5. For safe operation
but do not squeeze the handles with constant, excessive pres- sures.
e)If you feel discomfort, redness and swelling of your fingers or any other part of your body, see a doctor before getting worse.
8.The ignition system of your unit produces an electromagnetic field of a very low intensity. This field may interfere with some pacemakers. To reduce the risk of serious or fatal injury, persons with pacemaker should consult their physician and the pace- maker manufacturer before oper- ating this tool.
•When engaged in spraying work over a protracted period of time, please have your health checked regularly.
•Please carry out spraying in a planned fashion, keeping a daily record of the date and time of spraying, the chemicals used, the target pest, contents of the work, duration of the work, and other details.
•Please keep the following points in mind when selecting or using protective gear.
a) Protective clothing
Choose clothing that is cool to wear and offers good ventilation and waterproofing. In addition, wear items that enable you to carry out spraying work in total comfort and safety.
b) Spraying hood
Use a hood with a brim that is waterproof and covers your neck and shoulders.
c) Gloves
Use gloves that are difficult for chemicals to penetrate and do not slip even if you perspire while doing the work.
d) Rubber apron
When mixing chemicals, wear a long, thick, and wide apron that cannot be penetrated by chemi- cal splashes.
e) Protective goggles, mask, etc. Select suitable protective goggles, mask, rubber boots, eye
etc., paying attention to stan- dards and the recommendations of farm work safety promotion or- ganizations.
1.To reduce the risk of injury asso- ciated with exhaust fume inhala-
t i o n , d o n o t o p e r a t e i n unventilated area. The exhaust gases contain harmful carbon monoxide.
2.Avoid using the machine where stable footing and balance are not assured.
3.Never operate the machine in high wind, bad weather, poten- tially explosive atmosphere, when visibility is poor or in very high or low temperatures. (Our recom- mended use environment is be- low 40 degrees C (104 degrees F).)
Check and follow the local regulations as to sound level and hours of operations for machine.
1.Operate machine only at reason- able
2.To reduce sound levels, limit the
number of pieces of equipment used at any one time.
3.Operate the machine at the low- est possible throttle speed to do the job.
4.Check your equipment before op- eration, especially the muffler, air intakes and air filters.
•When using for the first time, be- fore commencing actual spraying please receive guidance in oper- ating the product from a person with adequate experience.
•When planning your work sched- ule, allow plenty of time to rest. Limit the amount of time over which the product is to be used continuously to somewhere