5. For safe operation
tainer approved for flammable liq- uids.
h)Make sure the unit is properly as- sembled and in good operating
i ) Do not use the machine near a fire, as aiming the machine in the direction of a flame may cause flammable substances to ignite.
•Before filling the tank with chemi- cals, please make sure that the spray lever is completely at rest.
•After chemical refilling, firmly tighten the tank cap. If not fully tightened the cap may become loose during spraying, with the risk of physical exposure to the chemicals.
•Each time before starting the en- gine, inspect the entire unit to see if every part is in good order and is securely tightened in place. If any damage is found in the fuel line, the exhaust line, or the igni- tion wiring, do not use the ma- chine until it has been repaired.
•Before starting operation, al- ways make sure to check if any obstacles are left inside the vo- lute case and net.The obstacles may cause damage on fan and volute case and serious injury.
•Check to see if the
Note that failing to replace this rubber mount when it has be- come cracked or damaged may cause the engine to come loose from its frame during use, thus resulting in possible serious bodily injury.
•If cracked, be sure to replace without delay.
• To reduce the risk of injury asso-
ciated with contacting rotating parts, stop the engine before in- stalling or removing attachments.
Do not operate without net in place. Always disconnect the spark plug before performing maintenance or accessing mov- able parts.
While using the product, if abnor- mal noise or vibration occurs, stop the engine immediately and con- tact the nearest ZENOAH servic- ing dealer for assistance. Check- ing the fan is very important. If the rotating fan should break up, it might lead to serious accidents.
1.This machine, mister, is a back- pack type, and is shouldered while operating. The blow tube is held with the control handle and operated by right hand. And then throttle is controlled by left hand.
2.Since protective clothing gener- ally offers poor ventilation and thus places stress on the body, there is a risk of contracting heat- stroke or other illness when oper- ating for long periods under high temperatures. Please avoid spraying on hot days, aiming in- stead for early morning and late afternoon times when tempera- tures are relatively cool and winds are low.
3.Check the work area that the ma- chine will be used in and remove or cover all valuables that may be damaged by the air blast or thrown debris.
4.Make sure you can move and stand safely. Check the area around you for possible obstacles (roots, rocks, branches, ditches, etc.) in case you have to move suddenly. Take great care when working on sloping ground.
If the sprayer is tilted the chemi- cal may leak out through the air holes in the cap. When spraying always make sure you have a firm footing and maintain your bal- ance.
5.To reduce the risk of injury asso- ciated with thrown objects.