ZOOM HD8/HD16 183
EFX module
Parameter description
PREAMP moduleParameter description
3Band EQ moduleBASS algorithmType Parameter
Rack Comp For an explanation of types and parameters, see CLEAN, DISTORTION, ACO/BASS SIM algorithms.
Type Parameter
Auto Wah Position Sense Resonance Dry Mix Level
This effect varies the wah action according to the intensity of the input signal.
For an explanation of types and parameters, see CLEAN, DISTORTION, ACO/BASS SIM algorithms.
Ring Modulator
Slow Attack
Parameter name Setting range Description
Position Before, After Sets connection position of EFX module to “Before” (before PREAMP) or “After” (after
Sense -10 – -1, 1 – 10 Adjusts auto wah sensitivity.
Resonance 0 – 10 Adjusts resonance intensity.
Dry Mix 0 – 10 Adjusts original sound mix ratio.
Level 2 – 100 Adjusts signal level after passing module.
Type Parameter
SVT Simulation of Ampeg SVT sound.
Bassman Simulation of Fender Bassman sound.
Hartke Simulation of Hartke HA3500 sound.
Super Bass Simulation of Marshall Super Bass sound.
SANSAMP Simulation of Sansamp Bass Driver DI sound.
Tube Preamp ZOOM original tube preamplifier sound.
Gain Tone Cabinet Balance Level
SVT - Tube Preamp have the same parameters.
Parameter name Setting range Description
Gain 0 – 100 Adjusts preamp gain (distortion depth).
Tone 0 – 30 Adjusts tonal quality.
Cabinet 0 – 2 Adjusts intensity of speaker cabinet sound.
Balance 0 – 100 Adjusts mixing balance of signal before and after module.
Level 1 – 100 Adjusts signal level after passing module.
Type Parameter
3Band EQ For an explanation of types and parameters, see CLEAN, DISTORTION, ACO/BASS SIM algorithms.