DELAY module
Parameter description
COMP/LIMITER R moduleMIC PREAMP R module3BAND EQ R moduleDELAY R module
ZNR module
Volume Pedal module
Type Parameter
Delay L Time Feedback Mix
Delay effect with max. setting 2000 ms.
Echo L Time Feedback Mix
Warm delay effect with max. setting 2000 ms.
Doubling L Time Tone Mix
Doubling effect which creates body by adding a short delay.
Parameter name Setting range Description
Time Delay L, Echo L: 1 – 2000ms eAdjusts delay time.
DoublingL: 1 – 100ms
Feedback 0 – 100 Adjusts feedback amount.
Tone 0 – 10 Adjusts tonal quality.
Mix 0 – 100 Adjusts mix ratio of effect sound to original sound.
Type Parameter
Compressor R For an explanation of types and parameters, see COMP LIMITER L module.
Limiter R
Type Parameter
Mic Pre R For an explanation of types and parameters, see MIC algorithm.
Type Parameter
3Band EQ R For an explanation of types and parameters, see CLEAN, DISTORTION, ACO/BASS SIM algorithms.
Type Parameter
Delay R
For an explanation of types and parameters, see DELAY L module.
Echo R
Doubling R
Type Parameter
ZNR For an explanation of types and parameters, see CLEAN, DISTORTION, ACO/BASS SIM algorithms.
Type Parameter
Volume Pedal For an explanation of types and parameters, see CLEAN, DISTORTION, ACO/BASS SIM algorithms.