ZOOM HD8/HD16 193
9Melody Chorus sound for melody, solo, chord playing, or harmonics.
10 SlapJazz Basic slap sound in the jazz bass style.
11 Destroy Smashing sound mixing distortion, pitch shift, and ring modulator.
12 Tremolo A great match for moody bass line and chord playing.
13 SoftSlow Melody or solo play tone is ideal for a fretless bass.
14 Limiter Limiter evens out the sound when using a pick.
15 X'over Flanger sound for picking, typical of the crossover genre.
16 CleanWah Auto wah sound that has a million uses.
17 Exciter Universal sound with a fresh and transparent character.
18 ClubBass Play those walking phrases with this sound that simulates the ambience of a small
19 DriveWah Auto wah sound with variable drive that follows the picking dynamics.
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MIC algorithm No. Patch name Description
0Rec Comp Conventional preamp + compression sound for recording.
1RoomAmbi Simulates the acoustics of a radio station broadcast studio.
2VocalDly Delay effect that works best with wet vocals.
3Rock Massive compression sound for rock vocals.
4Long DLY Long delay sound for vocals (2 beats at tempo 120).
5InTheBOX This effect seems to put the entire sound into a small box.
6Limiter Limiter effect highly useful for recording.
7AG MIC Preamp tone is great for recording acoustic guitar.
8AG Dub Doubling sound that gives a stroke more of a pick feeling.
912st Cho Chorus sound for 12-string guitar.
10 AG-Jumbo Increases the apparent body size of an acoustic guitar.
11 AG-Small Reduces the apparent body size of an acoustic guitar.
12 StereoAG Stereo sound for acoustic guitar.
13 Live AMB Bright reverb sound for acoustic guitar increases the live feeling.
14 Tunnel Simulation of tunnel reverb.
15 Filter Filter effect lets you change the sound character during a song.
16 BrethCmp Fairly strong compressor sound emphasizes breathiness.
17 Vib MOD Crafty vocal sound combining phaser and vibrato.
18 Duet Cho Detune sound creates an instant duet.
19 Ensemble Fresh ensemble sound great for chorus.
20 VocalDub Conventional doubling sound.
21 Sweep Voice sound with slow phase sweep.
22 VoiceFlg Flanging chorus sound with strong modulation.
23 Wide PH Phase sound spread to right and left.
24 VibVoice Clearcut vibrato sound.
25 FutureVo A message from the aliens.
26 M to F Transforms male vocals into a female sound.
27 F to M Transforms female vocals into a male sound.
28 WaReWaRe SFX sound speaks to you from the cosmos.
29 Hangul SFX sound that turns Japanese into Korean.
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