Chapter 11 Auto Upload

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 93 Applications > Auto Upload > FTP Uploadr



Enable FTP Uploadr

Use the check box to enable or disable the FTP Uploadr. Click Apply to save your




When you disable the FTP Uploadr, a screen opens requesting confirmation. Select the


check box to stop any current or queued uploads. If you do not select the check box,


the FTP Uploadr will finish uploading the files that are already in the queue list. Clicking


Yes will disable the FTP Uploadr.
















Add Server

Click this to add a target FTP server entry. See Section 11.5.1 on page 275 for more









Click this to manage the settings of the FTP Uploadr.






Edit Server

Select a server from the list and click this to edit the FTP server entry.






Delete Selected

Select a server from the list and click this to remove the FTP server entry.




















Server Information

Select a server from the list and click this to display the status and settings about the


FTP server.






Domain Name/IP

This is the domain name or IP address of the FTP server.











Port Number

This is the port number used by the FTP server.






Remote Path

The NSA automatically uploads files to this location of the FTP server.






Account Name

This is the login account for the FTP server.







This is the information related to the FTP server.






11.5.1 Adding or Editing an FTP Server Entry

Use this screen to add or edit an FTP server entry for auto upload.



Media Server User’s Guide