ZyXEL Communications MWR102 manual Active Dhcp Client List

Models: MWR102

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Click the drop down list, you may select “Enabled” to divert

Auto IP Address

the IP Address automatically or select “Disabled” to ban it.

When Enabled, the system will automatically detect conflicts


in the WAN and LAN IP. If there are conflicts, the LAN IP and


LAN DHCP Range will automatically jump to next subnet to


avoid conflicts.



8.4.1Active DHCP Client List

This window pops up after clicking the Show Client button.

Figure 24 Network > LAN Interface > Show Client

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 15 Network > LAN Interface > Show Client



IP Address

The IP of the connected client.



MAC Address

The MAC Address of the connected client.



Time Expired

The amount of seconds the client has been connected.




This button refreshes the list with the most recent






Closes the Active DHCP Client Table.




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ZyXEL Communications MWR102 manual Active Dhcp Client List