ZyXEL Communications network camera manual Configuration Video Settings

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5 Configuration

5.1 Video Settings

The Video Settings screen consists of all the basic settings options. To access the main setup page, click on the setup button at the top right in the live view screen. You can configure detailed settings of your IP camera here.

The following table describes the labels found on this screen.



Turbo Picture

This mode provides best video quality, but frame rate


is limited to 15.

Motion Adaptive

This mode provides 30FPS at a lower resolution

Enable 2nd Stream

This enables the second stream for viewing from


mobile devices.




Resolution settings. Options are QQVGA, QVGA,


VGA, and 1080x720 (720p)


The codec used to encode video. MPEG-4 can be


viewed from external devices, while H.264 uses less



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ZyXEL Communications network camera manual Configuration Video Settings