Chapter 3 Tutorials

Open the wireless client’s screen that list the available networks within range. In the image above, we can see Mktg Grp 6 which is the SSID in the WLAN1 radio profile enabled for the 1st floor NWA managed AP.

Do the same for the other WLAN radio profiles of the remaining NWA APs (both controller and managed APs) and check if all the security configurations and device settings are in place. Do the proper modifications in the primary controller AP’s Web Configurator if necessary.

Note: Be sure you update the primary controller AP and not the secondary controller AP when setting the congfiguration for the managed APs. If you accidentally set up the secondary controller AP instead, the changes you made will not take effect. They are overridden by the configurations of the primary controller AP.



NWA-3160 Series User’s Guide