Chapter 2 SHD1110 Programming

Temperature (Celsius)

The following parameters are used in this example:

Sensor Value 1 = 0x01

Sensor Value 2 = 0x31

Temperature (C)= (Sensor Value 1*256 + Sensor Value 2)/10 = (1*256+49)/10 = 30.5 (C)


[Command Class Sensor Multilevel, Sensor Multilevel Report, Sensor Type = 0 x 01 (Air Temperature), Precision+Scale+Size = 0 x 22, Sensor Value 1 = (High Byte of Temperature Value), Sensor Value 2 = (Low Byte of Temperature Value)]

Temperature (Fahrenheit)


[Command Class Sensor Multilevel, Sensor Multilevel Report, Sensor Type = 0 x 01 (Air Temperature), Precision+Scale+Size = 0 x 2A, Sensor Value 1 = (High Byte of Temperature Value), Sensor Value 2 = (Low Byte of Temperature Value)] Low Battery Report

When the battery level of the SHD1110 drops to a low level, the icon will appear on the SHD1110’s LCD and the detector will emit ALARM_REPORT command to Grouping 1.


[Command Class Alarm, Alarm Type = 0x01, Alarm Level = 255(0xFF)]

The Z-Wave Controller may enquire the battery status of the SHD1110 by sending BATTERY_ GET. Once the SHD1110 receives the command, it will return BATTERY_REPORT command to the controller.


[Command Class Battery, Battery Report, Battery Level = 20%-100%]

If the message shows "Battery Level = 255 (0xFF)", it implies that the SHD1110 is at low battery status. Please replace the batteries as soon as possible, otherwise the SHD1110 will shut down.

Note: The SHD1110 will send out a low battery command as long as there is a device associated into Grouping 1 of the SHD1110, even if the RF function is set to disable.

2.1.2 Grouping 2

Grouping 2 includes the BASIC_SET commands.



Z-Wave Series Programming Guide