Chapter 20 Certificates

20.3.1 Create Certificate Request

Click Security Settings > Certificates > Local Certificates and then Create Certificate Request to open the following screen. Use this screen to have the ZyXEL Device generate a certification request.

Figure 104 Create Certificate Request

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 76 Create Certificate Request



Certificate Name

Type up to 63 ASCII characters (not including spaces) to identify this





Common Name

Type the IP address (in dotted decimal notation), domain name or e-


mail address in the field provided. The domain name or e-mail


address can be up to 63 ASCII characters. The domain name or e-


mail address is for identification purposes only and can be any





Organization Name

Type up to 63 characters to identify the company or group to which


the certificate owner belongs. You may use any character, including


spaces, but the ZyXEL Device drops trailing spaces.




Type up to 32 characters to identify the state or province where the


certificate owner is located. You may use any character, including


spaces, but the ZyXEL Device drops trailing spaces.




Select a country to identify the nation where the certificate owner is






Click Apply to save your changes.




Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.



After you click Apply, the following screen displays to notify you that you need to get the certificate request signed by a Certificate Authority. If you already have, click Load_Signed to import the signed certificate into the ZyXEL Device. Otherwise click Back to return to the Local Certificates screen.



VSG1435-B101 Series User’s Guide