Chapter 20 Certificates

Figure 109 Certificate Details

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 80

Certificate Details






This field displays the identifying name of this certificate. If you want



to change the name, type up to 63 characters to identify this



certificate. You may use any character (not including spaces).






This field displays general information about the certificate. signed



means that a Certification Authority signed the certificate. request



means this is a certification request.






This field displays information that identifies the owner of the



certificate, such as Common Name (CN), Organization (O), State (ST)



and Country (C).






This read-only text box displays the certificate in Privacy Enhanced



Mail (PEM) format. PEM uses base 64 to convert the binary certificate



into a printable form.



This displays null in a certification request.



You can copy and paste the certificate into an e-mail to send to



friends or colleagues or you can copy and paste the certificate into a



text editor and save the file on a management computer for later



distribution (via floppy disk for example).






VSG1435-B101 Series User’s Guide