Chapter 19
Table 60 RMON Alarm: Overview (continued)
RisingThreshol | This field displays the rising threshold value set up for this alarm. |
d |
FallingThreshol | This field displays the falling threshold value set up for this alarm. |
d |
Rising Event | This field indicates the index number of the event entry which corresponds to the |
Index | time when the alarm threshold was crossed. |
Falling Event | This field indicates the index number of the event entry which corresponds to the |
Index | time when the alarm threshold was crossed. |
Owner | This field displays the name of the creator of this entry. |
Delete | Click this to remove the selected alarm entry. |
19.5.1 RMON Alarm: Create New Alarm
Use the RMON Alarm: Create New Alarm screen to configure RMON alarms. Click Create new Alarm view the screen as shown.
You can also click an alarm index entry in the RMON Alarm: Overview screen to edit an existing alarm configuration.
"The RMON Alarm: Modify screen contains the same fields as the RMON
Alarm: Create New Alarm screen in the following figure.
Figure 79 RMON Alarm: Create New Alarm
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