3. Installation
Boundaries within the working area
Use the boundary wire to demarcate areas inside the working area by creating islands around obstacles that can not withstand a collision, for example, flower beds and fountains. Run the cable out to the area, route it around the area to be demarcated and then back along the same route. If staples are used, the wire should be laid under the same staple on the return route. When the boundary wire to and from the island are close together, the mower can drive over the wire.
Obstacles that can withstand a collision, for example, trees or bushes higher than 6", do not need to be demarcated by the boundary wire. The Automower will turn when it collides with this type of obstacle.
However, for the most gentle and silent operation, it is preferable to demarcate all fixed objects in and around the working area.
Obstacles that slope slightly, for example, stones or large trees with raised roots, should be demarcated or removed. Automower can otherwise slide up onto this kind of obstacle causing the blades to be damaged.
Secondary areas
When the working area is made up of two areas that are not joined by a sufficiently wide passage, it is recommended to create a secondary area. Run the boundary wire then around the secondary area so that it forms an island outside of the main area.
Automower must be moved manually between the main and secondary areas. Use the MAN operating mode when Automower shall mow a secondary area.
26 Automower from ™
Secondary |
area |
Main area |