Craftsman Essential Checklist for Pressure Washer Maintenance and Operation

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6.Pour slowly. Wipe dipstick clean each time oil level is checKed. DO NOT overfill.

7.Install oil fill plug and dipstick, tighten securely. NOTE: ChecK oil often during engine breaK-in.

Add Fuel

,_ WARNINGtNEVER fill fuelNEVERtanK whenfill fuelenginetank indoorsis running. or hot. DO NOT smoKe when filling fuel tank.

,_ WARNINGt NEVER fill fuel tank completely full. Provide space for fuel expansion. Wipe

away any fuel spillage from engine and equipment before starting.

1.Use clean unleaded automotive fuel and store in

approved, clean, covered containers. Use clean fill funnels. NEVER use ::stale"fuel left over from last

season or fuel stored for long periods.

2.Clean area around fuel fill cap, remove cap.

3.Slowly add fuel to fuel tank. Use a funnel to prevent spillage. Fill tank to about 1.5" below the top of the filler necK.


4.Install fuel cap and wipe up any spilled fuel.

IMPORTANT: It is imporl:ant 1:oprevent gum deposits from forming in essential fuel system parts, such as the carburetor, fuel filter, fuel hose or tank during s1:orage. Also, experience indica1:esthat alcohol-blendedfuels (called gasohol, ethanol or methanol) can attract moisture, which leads to separation and formation of acids during storage. Acidic gas can damage the fuel sys1:em of an engine while in storage.

To avoid engine problems, the fuel sys1:em should be emptied before storage of 30 days or longer. See =Storage" on page 15. NEVER use engine or carbure1:or cleaner products in the fuel 1:anKor permanent damage may occur.

Connect Hose and Water Supply to Pump

IMPORTANT: To avoid pump damage, you must assemble the nozzle extension to the spray gun and attach all hoses before you start the engine.

1.Uncoil high pressure hose and attach one end of hose to base of spray gun. Tighten by hand.

2.Attach other end of high pressure hose to high pressure outlet on pump. Tighten by hand.

,Before connecting garden hose to wa1:erinlet, inspect inlet screen. Clean screen if it con1:ains debris or have it replaced if damaged. Refer to section =O-Ring Maintenance" if inlet screen is damaged. DO NOT run pressure washer if inlet screen is damaged. NEVER siphon inlet water.

Inspect inlet

screen. DO NOT use if


clean if dirty.

4.Run wa1:erthrough garden hose for 30 seconds to flush out any debris.

5.Connect garden hose (net 1:oexceed 50 feet in length) to water inlet. Tighten by hand.


6.Turn ON water and squeeze trigger on gun to purge pump system of air and impurities.


_aringadequate eye protection.



Review the unit 1:oensure you have performed all of

the following:

1.Check that oil has been added to proper level in engine crankcase.

2.Add proper fuel 1:ofuel tanK.

3.Check for properly tightened hose connections (high pressure and water supply) and there are no kinks, cuts, or damage to high pressure hose.


Image 7
Contents Hours Mon. FrL 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CT HorsepowerSEARS, Roebuck and CO., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A Sears, Roebuck and Co., Dept WA, Hoffman Estates, IL Hazard Symbols and MeaningsSurfacesi Keep spray nozzle between 8 to 24 inches away from cleaningDo not operate pressure washer above rated pressurei Contact SearsiKnow Your Pressure Washer Remove Pressure Washer from Carton Carton ContentsAssembling Your Pressure Washer Review the unit 1oensure you have performed all Checklist Before StartingInspect inlet DamagedTo Start Your Pressure Washer HOW to USE Your PressureDetergent app!ition How To Use the Adjustable NozzleBetween 8 to 24 inches away from cleaning surface Using the Turbo NozzleAutomatic Cool Down System Thermal Relief Pressure Washer RinsingTo apply detergent, follow these steps For RinsingGeneral Recommendations Product SpecificationsPressure Washer Maintenance Owners ResponsibilitiesCheck In-Line Filter Nozzle MaintenanceCheck Gun and Nozzle Extension Purge Pump of Air and ContaminantsPump Maintenance Engine MaintenanceChanging Oil Yearly, whichever occurs first Service Air CleanerService Spark Plug After Each USEWinter Storage GeneralLong Term Storage BlOcks in Outlethosei Pump Has following problemsTo produce CheCkand € eanPage 190249GS Optiona! Access0ries NOt II!ustratedDescription 194298GS19063-GS 190827GS190832GS 190575GS306523 ENGINE, 3.75 HP, Briggs and Stratton, 10D902 Exploded View200 456393 356 163356A ENGINE, 3.75 HP, Briggs and Stratton, 10D902 Parts List Length of Coverage Sears Emission Control Defects Warranty CoverageAir cleaner Intake manifold Sears Emission Control Defects Warranty ProvisionsSears, Roebuck and Co., Dept WA, Hoffman Estates, IL Simbolos de Peligro y SignificadosAdvertencia PeligroPrecaucion Reco!e¢iOnde Detergente Conozca SU Maquina Lavadora DE PresionAgregue Aceite de Motor Contenido DE LA CajaMontaje DE LA Maquina Lavadora a Presion Fijar el Poseedor AccesorioDahado, Nunca agua de cala de siphon Agregue GasolinaConecte la Manguera y el Surninistro de Agua a la Bornba Lista de Revision Previa al Arranque del MotorPara comenzar motor despus Como Usar SU Maquina Lavadora a PresionPRECAUCI6N Cbmo Darle Arranque a su Mquina Lavadora a PresibnLa boquilla a chorro hace girar la cordente de alta presibn CSmo Detener su Mquina Lavadora a PresiSnCSmo Usar la Boquilla Ajustable CSmo Usar la Boquilla a ChorroEnjuage de la Mbquina Lavadora a Presion Aplicaci6n del Detergente Usando la Boquilla AjustableSistema de Enfriamiento Autom&tico Alivio T6rmico Recomendaciones Generales Responsabilidades DEL PropietarioMantenimiento DE LA Maquina Lavadora a Presion Mantenimiento de la Bomba Revisi6n del Nivel del AceiteMantenimiento de los Anillos O Cambio de AceitePart Despues DE Cada USOProporcione Servicio a la Bujia Servicio del Depurador de AireAlmacenamiento Prolongado Almacenamiento Para Invierno PrecaucionOtros Drene ei tanqde de gaS01ina iieneio Labuj!a El motor No arranCa o arrancayRemplace Funciona MaliCobarturs Consiguiante A. and Canada Anytime, day or night