| | PRO1300h/c | | This section allows you to run the heat | however, since the unit is checking for |
| | | pump at set intervals during the day. If | and adding heat when needed, it |
| Electronic Temp. | | you have a time clock, and would like to | prevents long recovery times when |
| | use it please refer to the Time Clock | compared to non-TCE units. The other |
| Controls | | Override section. | benefit is that some states and electric |
| | | | | | For the TCE feature to work, your pool |
| | | | | | utility companies offer a discount for |
| | | | | |
| Toggling Between Heating | | pump must be wired to the heat pump | off-peak usage of electricity. Please |
| and Cooling Mode | | See figure 7 for wiring the TCE feature | contact your electricity provider if you |
| The unit will default to the heating | | • This unit is prepared at the factory | have questions. |
| mode. If the cooling mode is desired, | | with the TCE feature installed, but | • Example of TCE operation – you require |
| press the SET button until the H-C screen | | set to the “off” position in the “FIL” | the system to run for 12 hours to meet |
| is displayed. Then press the arrow | | mode. You will need to set the | your pool filtering needs. This means for |
| buttons until “COL” is displayed on the | | hours of run time for the pump and | each of the 6 periods, the heater will |
| screen. This puts the unit into cooling | | filter system. See “activating and | run the system for 2 hours and then |
| mode. The water temperature set point | | setting system run time” below. | turn off for 2 hours. If the system |
| will now be the water temperature that | |
| | • The function of the TCE is done through | needed to run for 3 hours in one of the |
| the unit is cooling the water to. When | |
| | periods to reach the desired pool |
| the unit is in cooling mode, the screen | | a timing sequence of 6 periods per |
| | 24 hours. You select the hours for your | temperature, the next period would be |
| will flash between the current water | |
| temperature and “COL” to remind the | | required filter pump run time, and the | 1 hour on and 3 hours off unless |
| user that cooling mode is activated. | | heater takes care of the rest. It does this | additional heating is needed. The cycle |
| Defrost Cycle | | by dividing the system run time equally | continues for 6 periods and renews at |
| Your AquaPRO® h/c unit is capable of | | over the 6 periods, turning the pump on | the end of each 24 hours. Please call |
| keeping your pool warm in very cool | | for 1/6th of the specified run time and | AquaPRO® Systems at 1-877-AQUA-SYS |
| temperatures. Most pool heaters will | | off the remainder of the period unless | (1-877-278-2797) if you need further |
| not operate below 50°F. Your h/c unit | | additional heating is required. The | clarification of this feature’s operation. |
| will work down to 38°F by utilizing a | | heater will always operate the system | Activating and Setting System Run |
| “defrost cycle”. It does this | | on a daily basis for the amount of run | Time - TCE Operation |
| automatically by sensing the coolant | |
| | time you have selected. The timing | • To set the run time of the system, push |
| temperature and reversing operation | |
| | sequence begins at the initial start up. |
| for 2 minutes to defrost the evaporator | | the “SET” button repeatedly until “FIL” |
| coil and will resume heating function | | • If your pool is at or above the desired | displays. Then using the “up” and |
| after defrosting the evaporator coil. | | operating temperature, the heater will | “down” arrows, you can select how |
| | | | | | run the system the desired hours each | many total hours a day you want the |
| | PRO1100e TCE | |
| | | day and spread the time out evenly | system to run for your pump and |
| | | | | | |
| | and PRO1300 TCE | | between the 6 periods. This makes for | filtration needs. The range of hours is |
| | | better filter operation and allows the | “off” to 2, 3, 4,… up to 23 hours to |
| Selecting | | heater to update the water | “on”. As described before, the run time |
| | temperature 6 times per day. | will then be calculated and spread out |
| Functionality of Unit | | • If your pool needs heat, the heater will | over the 6 time periods for 24 hours. |
| | | | | | Selecting the “on” position will run the |
| This unit is capable of operating as a Time | | continue to run the system until the |
| | pump and filter system continuously. |
| Clock Override (TCO) or as the Time Clock | | desired temperature is met. If the |
| | The unit leaves the factory with the |
| Eliminator (TCE). If you already have a | | amount of run time exceeds a period’s |
| | “FIL” mode set to “OFF”. |
| time clock on your swimming pool and | | run time, the excess time will be |
| | Time Clock Override |
| would like to maintain its normal | | subtracted from the next run period(s). |
| operation with the added benefit of a | | Please note that on cold and / or windy | (TCO) Operation |
| heat pump time clock override – please | | days, the unit could run for long times | | | All wiring |
| review the section for the Time Clock | | to generate and maintain the desired | | |
| Override. If you do not own a time clock | | pool temperature. Please see the | | | and |
| | |
| | electrical connections must be performed |
| for your pool system - please review the | | “application” section about “pool |
| | by a qualified electrician. Installation |
| section for the Time Clock Eliminator. | | blankets” to help maintain your pool’s | must be in accordance with local and |
| Time Clock Eliminator | | temperature. | national codes. |
| | • The timing function built into the TCE | This section allows you the option of |
| (TCE) Operation | | using an existing time clock with the |
| | will always run the heat pump for |
| Please read the functions of this feature | | 15 minutes every 4 hours to determine if | heat pump. If you do not have a time |
| | clock, please refer back to the Time Clock |
| carefully. | | more heat is needed to maintain the |
| | Eliminator section. |
| | | | All wiring | | pool’s desired temperature - even if all |
| | | | | The pump must be connected to the heat |
| | | | and | | of the available run time was used in |
| electrical connections must be performed | | pump and also the time clock for the Time |
| | previous cycles. This provides a couple of |
| by a qualified electrician. Installation | | Clock Override feature to work correctly. |
| | added benefits. Pools will lose most of |
| must be in accordance with local and | | See figure 8 for the optional TCO wiring |
| national codes. | | their heat at night if left uncovered, |
| | schematic and electrical connections. |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
www.aquaprosystems.com | | Phone: (877)-278-2797 | | | |
| | | | | | | | |