Generac 04389-1, 04456-1, 04390-1 California Emission Control Warranty Statement, P.O. Box

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Section 10 – Warranty

Section 10 – Warranty

Guardian Air-cooled 7 kW, 12 kW and 15 kW Generators

NOTE: This Emission Control Warranty Statement pertains to this product only IF the generator size is 15 kW or below.



The California Air Resources Board (CARB) and Generac Power Systems, Inc. (Generac) are pleased to explain the Emission Control System Warranty on your new engine.* In California, new utility, and lawn and garden equipment engines must be designed, built and equipped to meet the state’s stringent anti-smog standards. Generac will warrant the emission control system on your engine for the periods of time listed below provided there has been no abuse, neglect, unapproved modifi- cation or improper maintenance of your engine.

Your emission control system may include parts such as the carburetor, ignition system and exhaust system. Generac will repair your engine at no cost to you for diagnosis, replacement parts and labor, should a warrantable condition occur.


Emissions control systems on 1995 and later model year engines are warranted for two years as hereinafter noted. If, dur- ing such warranty period, any emission-related component or system on your engine is found to be defective in materials or workmanship, repairs or replacement will be performed by a Generac Authorized Warranty Service Facility.


As the engine purchaser/owner, you are responsible for the completion of all required maintenance as listed in your factory supplied Owner’s Manual. For warranty purposes, Generac recommends that you retain all receipts covering maintenance on your engine. However, Generac cannot deny warranty solely due to the lack of receipts or for your failure to ensure the completion of all scheduled maintenance.

As the engine purchaser/owner, you should, however, be aware that Generac may deny any and/or all warranty coverage or responsibility if your engine, or a part/component thereof, has failed due to abuse, neglect , improper maintenance or unap- proved modifications, or the use of counterfeit and/or “grey market” parts not made, supplied or approved by Generac.

You are responsible for contacting a Generac Authorized Warranty Service Facility as soon as a problem occurs. The warranty repairs should be completed in a reasonable amount of time, not to exceed 30 days.

Warranty service can be arranged by contacting either your selling dealer or a Generac Authorized Warranty Service Facility. To locate the Generac Authorized Warranty Service Facility nearest you, call our toll-free number:


IMPORTANT NOTE: This warranty statement explains your rights and obligations under the Emission Control System Warranty (ECS Warranty), which is provided to you by Generac pursuant to California law. See also the “Generac Limited Warranties for Generac Power Systems, Inc.,” which is enclosed herewith on a separate sheet, also provided to you by Generac. The ECS Warranty applies only to the emission control system of your new engine. If there is any conflict in terms between the ECS Warranty and the Generac Warranty, the ECS Warranty shall apply except in circumstances where the Generac Warranty may provide a longer warranty period. Both the ECS Warranty and the Generac Warranty describe impor- tant rights and obligations with respect to your new engine.

Warranty service can be performed only by a Generac Authorized Warranty Service Facility. When requesting warranty serv- ice, evidence must be presented showing the date of the sale to the original purchaser/owner.

If you have any questions regarding your warranty rights and responsibilities, you should contact Generac at one of the following addresses:

For Air-cooled Product ...For Liquid-cooled Product ...





P.O. BOX 297
EAGLE, WI 53119

Part 1


56 Generac® Power Systems, Inc.

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Contents POWER SYSTEMS POWER SYSTEMS, INCDEADLY EXHAUST FUMES. OUTDOOR INSTALLATION ONLY DANGERDANGER INTRODUCTIONAUTHORIZED DEALER LOCATION ‹CONTENTSIntroduction Despite the safe design of this generator GENERAL HAZARDSParts of the generator are rotating and/or hot EXPLOSION HAZARDS ELECTRICAL HAZARDSFIRE HAZARDS ‹STANDARDS INDEX1.2PROTECTION SYSTEMS 1.1UNPACKING/INSPECTION1.3SYSTEM SET LED Figure 1.1 - 7 kW, Single Cylinder GH-410Engine 1.4YOUR GENERATORFigure 1.2 - 12 kW and 15 kW, V-twin GT-990Engine ‹ 1.5.1 GENERATOR 1.5 SPECIFICATIONS‹1.5.2 ENGINE 1.7FUEL CONSUMPTION 1.8RECONFIGURING THE FUEL SYSTEM1.6FUEL REQUIREMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS DANGER1.9.2 TRANSFER SWITCH 1.10 BATTERY INSTALLATION1.9LOCATION 1.9.1 GENERATORWear rubber gloves and boots 1.11 THE BATTERYFigure 1.5 - Battery Cable Connections Do not open or mutilate the battery. Released2.3ELECTRICAL CHECKS 2.2CHECK TRANSFER SWITCH OPERATION2.1BEFORE INITIAL START-UP Never operate the engine with the oil level2.4GENERATOR TESTS UNDER LOAD 2.6ADJUSTING THE REGULATOR NATURAL GAS ONLY2.5CHECKING AUTOMATIC OPERATION Figure 2.3 - Engine Governor Adjustment 2.7ENGINE GOVERNOR ADJUSTMENTFigure 2.2 - Placement of Regulator Do not make any unnecessary adjustmentsFigure 2.4 - Full Load Speed Adjust Screw 2.8VOLTAGE REGULATOR ADJUSTMENT3.1BREAK-INPROCEDURE Figure 2.5 - Voltage Adjustment PotentiometerWith the switch set to AUTO, the engine may 3.3AUTOMATIC TRANSFER OPERATION3.2USING THE AUTO/OFF/MANUAL SWITCH FIGURE 3.4SEQUENCE OF AUTOMATIC OPERATION‹3.5.2 TRANSFER BACK TO UTILITY POWER SOURCE 3.6SETTING THE EXERCISE TIMER3.5MANUAL TRANSFER OPERATION Figure 3.2 - Manual Transfer Switch Operation‹3.7.1 LOW OIL PRESSURE SWITCH 3.7PROTECTION SYSTEMS4.1FUSE ‹3.7.2 HIGH TEMPERATURE SWITCH‹ 4.3.2 OIL CHANGE PROCEDURE 4.2CHECKING THE ENGINE OIL LEVEL4.3CHANGING THE ENGINE OIL ‹4.3.1 ENGINE OIL RECOMMENDATIONS4.6SPARK PLUGS 4.5CHANGING THE ENGINE AIR CLEANER4.4CHANGING THE OIL FILTER Figure 4.6 - 7 kW, Engine Air Cleaner Location4.8ADJUSTING GH-410/GT-990VALVE CLEARANCE 4.7BATTERY MAINTENANCEFigure 4.8 - Setting the Spark Plug Gap 4.11 CORROSION PROTECTION 4.9COOLING SYSTEM4.10 ATTENTION AFTER SUBMERSION Figure 4.10 - Valve Clearance Adjustment‹4.12.1 REMOVAL FROM SERVICE 4.12 OUT OF SERVICE PROCEDURE‹4.12.2 RETURN TO SERVICE 4.13 SERVICE SCHEDULE CAUSE 5.1TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDEPROBLEM CORRECTION24 Generac Power Systems, Inc Section 6 - Electrical DataCUSTOMER CONTROL PANEL BOXCONNECTION 26 Generac Power Systems, Inc C2-6 Wiring Diagram - 7 kW - Drawing No. 0D9013-A 28 Generac Power Systems, IncCUSTOMER CONNECTION CLOSEST TO BEA 4 0 STATOR30 Generac Power Systems, Inc Section 6 - Electrical Data Section 7 - Exploded Views and Parts Lists 32 Generac Power Systems, IncPART NO.QTY. DESCRIPTION Control Panel - Drawing No. 0D8503-E DESCRIPTION Section 7 - Exploded Views and Parts Lists 0D4801 37 17 24 0D3086 Kit Contains DESCRIPTION 42 Generac Power Systems, Inc DESCRIPTION 44 Generac Power Systems, Inc 7 kW Generator - Drawing No. 0D3504-B 46 Generac Power Systems, Inc 12 kW and 15 kW Generator - Drawing No. 0D3417-B 48 Generac Power Systems, Inc GN410 Engine - Drawing No. 0D3539-BPart 50 Generac Power Systems, Inc 0C1069 PART NO. QTY Guardian Air Section 8 - Mounting DimensionsTRANSFER SWITCH NTAKE54 Generac Power Systems, Inc Generac Power Systems, Inc PURCHASER’S/OWNER’S WARRANTY RESPONSIBILITIES CALIFORNIA EMISSION CONTROL WARRANTY STATEMENTYOUR WARRANTY RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS Section 10 - WarrantyEMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM WARRANTY EMISSION RELATED PARTS INCLUDE THE FOLLOWINGGENERAC POWER SYSTEMS, INC WARRANTY SCHEDULEP.O. BOX WHITEWATER, WI