The sprayer in this series is built for agricultural use. The materials used are resistant to normal chemical products used in agricultural spraying (or herbicides) at the time of construction.
Any other use is not allowed and the manufacturer is not responsible for any damage caused by aggressive, dense or sticky chemicals.
The use of liquid fertilizers in suspension is not allowed, while the use of the same in a solution is possible if requested when the machine is ordered from Unigreen and in any case changing some of the parts described in the handbooks of the regulator, such as the manometer (stainless steel), the nozzles (large diameter ceramic) and eliminating the fine mesh filters to prevent blockages.
Using the machine with the following products is strictly forbidden:
=Paints of any kind and type
=Solvents or thinners for paints of any kind and type
=Combustibles or lubricants of any kind and type
=LPG or gas of any kind and type
=Flammable liquids of any kind and type
=Liquid foodstuffs, whether for animals or humans
=Liquids containing granules or consistent solids
=Mixtures of various incompatible chemical products
=Liquid fertilizer or manure in suspension with lumps and/or that is particularly dense
=Liquids with a temperature of over 40°C
=Any products that aren’t suitable for the specific use of the machine.
All pesticides or herbicides can be dangerous to humans and the environment if used erroneously or inadvertently.
Therefore we recommend that only suitably trained persons should use these products (license) and in any case only after having carefully read the instructions on the container.
2.3.1REGULATIONS FOR THE USE OF CHEMICAL PRODUCTS Some recommendations for avoiding damage and accidents:
=Keep the machine in a suitable, protected place with no access for children or strangers
=Handle the products with care, wearing rubber
=If chemical products or mixtures of product come into contact with the eyes or are swallowed consult a doctor immediately, taking the label of the product with you.
=Wash all clothes that come into contact with the chemical, whether diluted or undiluted, thoroughly before using them again.
=Don’t smoke, drink or eat when preparing or spraying the mix or near or in the fields treated.
=DON’T ENTER THE TANK: the residues of a chemical product can cause poisoning and suffocation.
=When spraying, respect safe distances from residential areas, water courses, roads, sports centres and public parks or paths.
=Thoroughly wash the containers of plant protection products using the relevant accessories, rinsing several times with clean water. The liquids used for washing can be used for treatment.
=Collect the washed containers and send them to the relevant collection centres. Never dispose of them in the environment and don’t use them again for any other purpose. It is good practice to knock a hole in the bottom of the tins so they can’t be used again.
=When you have finished spraying, wash the sprayer thoroughly, diluting the residues with a quantity of water at least 10 times that of the residues, spraying the resulting mix over the treated field.
| a) Refer to the present handbook for the use and maintenance of the frame, tank, |
6 unigreen | |
spray booms and hose reels. |