Parity Check
Set this option to Enabled to use the Parity Check function. The DIMM module need to have parity bit for this function to work.
Boot to OS/2®
Set this option to Enabled to permit the BIOS to run properly, if OS/2® is to be used with > 64MB of DRAM. The settings are Enabled or Disabled. The Optimal and
Internal Cache/External Cache
This option selects the type of caching algorithm used by AMI® BIOS and the CPU for L1 cache memory(internal/external to the CPU). The settings are Writeback - a writeback algorithm is used,
System BIOS Cacheable
AMI® BIOS always copies the system BIOS from ROM to RAM for faster execution. Set this option to Enabled to permit the contents of the F0000h RAM memory segment to be written to and read from cache memory. The settings are Enabled or Disabled. The Optimal default setting is Ena- bled. The
C000, 16K Shadow/C400, 16k Shadow
These options specify how the contents of the video ROM are handled. The settings are:
Disabled - the Video ROM is not copied to RAM. Cached - the contents of the video ROM from C0000h -
C7FFFh are not only copied from ROM to RAM; it can also be written to or read from cache memory.
Shadow - the Contents of the video ROM from C0000h - C7FFFh are copied(shadowed) from ROM to RAM for faster execution.
The Optimal and