Saved DVD images can be as large as 9GB, and CD images as large as 730MB.
Ensure that you have adequate hard disk space before proceeding.
To make a CD or DVD image, do the following:
1.Start the Multimedia Center for Think Offerings application.
2.Click the Copy page.
3.Click the task Save Image to Hard Disk.
4.The application creates a random name for you. Rename the image file.
5.Insert the disc that you are imaging.
2.Copy protected commercial DVDs cannot be imaged.
To burn a previously saved CD image, do the following:
1.Start the Multimedia Center for Think Offerings application.
2.Click the Copy page.
3.Click the task Burn Image to CD or DVD.
4.Navigate to the image that you want to burn.
5.Insert a blank or erasable disc.
6.Click the Record button.
To copy a CD, do the following:
1.Start the Multimedia Center for Think Offerings application.
2.Click the Copy page.
3.Click the task Copy a CD or DVD.
4.Select the target drive.
5.Click the Record button.
6.Insert a writable CD when prompted
1.Copy protected commercial CDs cannot be copied.
2.Copying or imaging discs without the copyright owner’s permission can result in legal penalties.
For more information on copyright law, consult your legal advisor.
Using Direct-to-Disc (DLA)
To format and write to
1.Insert a disc into the drive.
3.Click Format.
4.After formatting is complete, you can drag and drop files to the Combo Drive icon, or you can move files in Windows Explorer or with the command prompt.