Chapter 2 Installation
Configure the network of computer
When you use the monitor through the network, the IP address of the monitor must have the same IP network number of the existing network. Also it is required to use the same IP network number of the computer to set up the monitor. In the network included with the gateway (router), it must be used with the IP network number specified by the gateway (router).
Configure the computer's network by following steps:
This example explains how to set the following network address.
IP Address | : |
Subnet Mask | : |
Gateway Address | : |
1 Select the Control Panel menu from the [Start] menu. Click the Network and Internet Connection and then click the Network on the control panel.
2 Click the Local Area Connection icon with right button of the mouse and then select the Property menu. The right window will appear on the screen.
3 Select the General tab on the "Local Area Connection Pro p e r t i e s" d i a l o g w i n d o w. S e l e c t t h e Inte rnet Protocol(TCP/IP)*1 and then press the Properties button.
4 On the "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties" dialog win- dow, select the Use the following IP address button and then enter the IP address*2 and Subnet mask.
5 Enter the Default gateway address.
This setting is not needed if the network does not pro- vide the gateway (router).
6 Click the OK button, the setting window will be closed.
*1 Select the "TCP/IP" item of the LAN card you use. If the "TCP/IP" item is not listed in the column, you need to install the TCP/IP protocol. For further information refer to the user's manual of your computer.
*2 If the network already has the TCP/IP protocol set, enter with the same IP network number for the IP address and Subnet mask.
*3 There are some ways to set up the network depending on your computer's appearances.