Print Server Name: This option allows you to input device name of the print server. To correct the print server’s device name.
System Contact: This option allows you to input contact name of the print server. To check the print server’s contact name who in charge of this device.
System Location: This option allows you to input Location name of the print server. To confirm the print server’s location name where the print server is located in the office’s LAN.
Password: This option allows you to input setup password of the print server. When you select setup menu of web configuration from the print server, it then as shown in the following picture.
Re-type Password.
˙User Name: You must be input the default administration user name, admin as login user name.
˙Password: The default password is empty. After setup password is completed from the print server, you shouldn’t forget this password.
Printer Setup:
1.Click Setup, it then appears the
2.Click Printer, it then as shown in the following picture.