User’s Guide – version 3.5 | NetFlow Tracker |
Performance Tuning
There are several factors that influence how quickly a given report is generated:
Disk Speed
The first step in creating a report is reading the raw data from disk; increasing the speed of the disk subsystem will make reporting faster. A
Query Size
The amount of raw data that needs to be read from disk is dependent on the number of source devices selected, the data load of those devices and the amount of time selected. Indexes are not used due to the increase in database size they would cause, so any other filters have no impact on the amount of raw data read from the disk.
If possible, avoid reporting over multiple devices and over long periods of time. It is likely that a report over multiple devices will account for some traffic multiple times.
Database Server Settings
The database server used by NetFlow Tracker can be tuned to improve query speed if you have a fast disk subsystem or lots of RAM, or both. See Database Settings for details.