Fluke Computer Accessories manual Long-term Reports, Devices and Interfaces, Filter Editor

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User’s Guide – version 3.5

NetFlow Tracker

Long-term Reports

Long-term reports allow you to look at data over much longer time ranges than is possible with the standard real-time database. The data for long-term reports is summarized in advance so a long-term report over several days or weeks can often be much faster than an equivalent real-rime one.

Long-term reports are not created automatically – you must first identify which reports you would like to see over the long-term and set them up in Report Settings.

To access your long-term reports, click on “Long-term Reports” on the software’s homepage. You can then access your long-term reports in two ways: the Devices page or the Long-term Filter Editor.

Devices and Interfaces

The long-term device and interface pages are very similar to the real-time versions, but there are several differences. Most noticeable is the time range selector at the bottom of the page. The default time range for a long-term report is the last seven full days according to the time zone of the NetFlow Tracker server; this can be changed in Report Settings. The time range selector will change the time range of the current report or chart, and of any reports or charts opened by interacting with it:

You can select any number of full minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, quarters, half- years or years. Note that if you zoom in to or out of a long-term chart, or drill down into a selection (other than one selected using the Select All button), the time range selector will not be available on the resulting chart.

Another major difference is that while the real-time device and interface pages show the peak and most recent traffic and packet rates over the displayed time range, the long-term versions show the peak and average rates. You can also sort the pages by the average rates.

Per-device and Per-interface Long-term Reports

When you select a range of time on a long-term device or interface chart and right- click to drill down you will either find that no charts are available or the set is limited. The only reports that you can access in this way are ones that are created as per- device, per-inbound interface or per-outbound interface in Report Settings.

Filter Editor

You can access any long-term report through the long-term filter editor. It is the only way you can access custom long-term reports that are created as basic reports.

The long-term filter editor is a much simplified version of its real-time counterpart. You must select the report and time range to view. If the report did not have a time mask applied to it when it was created you will be able to apply one using the Time Mask and Time Zone editors. The time range and time mask editors behave exactly like their counterparts in the real-time Filter Editor.


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Contents NetFlow Tracker Contents LONG-TERM Reports Appendix 2 CSV File Format Grant of Licence and Payment of Fees Software License AgreementCopyright Customer Remedies Confidential Information and Security User’s Guide version NetFlow Tracker Definitions Supplier’s Undertakings Support ServicesSupport Charges Undertakings by YouTermination Limitation of Liability and indemnityIntellectual Property Rights Miscellaneous Confidential Information and SecurityResponse Times Exceptions to Support ServicesSupport Hours Introduction What is NetFlow?What is NetFlow Tracker? Features and BenefitsUser’s Guide version NetFlow Tracker Operating System Support InstallationPre-installation Checks Minimum System RequirementsInstallation on Microsoft Windows Installation on Linux Post-installation Tasks Add listener ports Set up Snmp community stringsSet up web front-end security Configure your routers and switchesUsing NetFlow Tracker Interfaces Device traffic metersPer-AS data Working with ChartsChanging the displayed chart Chart legendZooming out View a standard chart as a pie chartView a standard chart as a tabular report ZoomingOpen the chart in a new window Alter the filter applied to a standard chartExport a chart to another application Print the chartWorking with Tabular Reports Working with Pie ChartsExamine a single row Sort a tabular reportSession Reports Report TemplatesAddress Reports Network Reports QoS ReportsOther Reports Creating Filtered ReportsInterface Reports Traffic Identification ReportsStart time Report templateSample size Source dataOut interface Time zoneSource device InterfaceSrc/dest port ProtocolSource port Dest portDest AS DiffServTraffic class Source ASFilter Editor Long-term ReportsDevices and Interfaces Per-device and Per-interface Long-term ReportsUser’s Guide version NetFlow Tracker Reports Report Format Parameters Report URL FormatGeneral Form 0026 00230024 0025True ChartPie Number256 FeaturesSections 128Time Range Parameters Week MillisHour DayCalendar-based advanced Time range will extend for this number of unitsDay1-day2/time1-time2 HHmmApplying a time-of-day mask to the time range 113 110105 100125 115120 140Daily 285300 MinuteFilter Parameters Port1-port2 NameAddr1-addr2 Port1-port2/number Port/namePort/number Port1-port2/nameCode PrecTos Prec%20tosMask Addr/maskUsername PasswordSecurity Parameters Null Management Portal Access Control ParametersSecret VPN Out VPN Refresh and Resolve All buttons, if applicable Chart scrollbarChart selection headers Filter Editor button, if applicableQuery Size Performance TuningDatabase Server Settings Disk SpeedListener Ports Configuration GuideSnmp Settings LicensingDevice List Device SettingsDevice Settings Sampled Data Scaling VPNs Security SettingsHttp//proxy/tracker1/report.jsp?portalacl= Management Portal SettingsHttp//proxy/tracker1/report1 Http//tracker1/report.jsp?portalsecret=secret&aclif=ProxyPassReverse /tracker1/ http// Using Apache as a Portal ServerRewriteEngine On RewriteRule /tracker1/.*$ http//$1 P,L,QSAReal-time Reports Report SettingsGeneral Settings Scheduled Reports Saved FiltersLong-term Reports Executive Reports Span class=repdesctextTest/span Sub-reports Nelements=5 and chartWidth=400Content User’s Guide version NetFlow Tracker DiffServ Names Hostname Resolution SettingsIP Application Names Subnet Names Database SettingsAS Names Backup Performance Counters Memory SettingsArchiving Unprocessed Flowsets NetFlow Data ReceivedTraffic Described Ignored FlowsNo In Interface AboutIp flow-export destination address Appendix 1 Device ConfigurationEnabling Netflow Export on an IOS Device Ip cefShow ip cache flow Show ip cache verbose flow Ip flow-cache timeout activeIp flow-cache timeout inactive Show ip flow exportMls aging long Ip route-cache flow infer-fieldsMls netflow Mls nde sender versionUser’s Guide version NetFlow Tracker Set mls nde address Set mls bridged-flow-statistics enable vlanlistSet mls nde enable Set system name nameEnabling Flow Detail Records on a Packeteer Device Flow-sampler-map allflows mode random one-out-of 1 exitEnabling NetFlow on an Enterasys Device Tabular report CSV format Chart CSV formatPie chart CSV format Appendix 2 CSV File FormatTabular report XML format Chart XML formatPie chart XML format Appendix 3 XML FormatAppendix 4 Third Party Software Components JspSmartUpload Quartz