User’s Guide – version 3.5 | NetFlow Tracker |
Appendix 4: Third Party Software Components
This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/).
This product includes software developed by Advantys (http://www.advantys.com).
Apache Commons Collections
NetFlow Tracker includes Apache Commons Collections 3.2, available at http://commons.apache.org/collections/. This is distributed under the Apache Software License, a copy of which is available at http://www.apache.org/LICENSE.
Apache Commons Logging
NetFlow Tracker includes Apache Commons Logging 1.0.4, available at http://commons.apache.org/logging/. This is distributed under the Apache Software License, a copy of which is available at http://www.apache.org/LICENSE.
Apache Log4j
NetFlow Tracker includes Apache Log4j 1.2.15, available at http://logging.apache.org/log4j/. This is distributed under the Apache Software License, a copy of which is available at http://www.apache.org/LICENSE.
Apache Xerces Java
NetFlow Tracker includes Apache Xerces Java 2.9.0, available at
IE5.5+ PNG Alpha Fix
NetFlow Tracker includes the IE5.5+ PNG Alpha Fix 1.0RC4, available at http://www.twinhelix.com/css/iepngfix/demo/. This is distributed under the
NetFlow Tracker includes iText 2.0.6, available at http://www.lowagie.com/iText/. This is distributed under the Mozilla Public License, a copy of which is available at
Jakarta Tomcat
NetFlow Tracker includes Jakarta Tomcat 3.3.2, available at http://tomcat.apache.org/. This is distributed under the Apache Software License, a copy of which is available at http://www.apache.org/LICENSE.
NetFlow Tracker includes joeSNMP 0.2.6, available at http://opennms.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/opennms/opennms/branches/OPENN MS/src/joesnmp/. This is distributed under the Lesser GNU Public License, a copy of which is available at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html.