Fluke Computer Accessories manual AS Names, Subnet Names, Database Settings

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User’s Guide – version 3.5

NetFlow Tracker

AS Names

This page lets you assign names to AS numbers appearing in reports. AS numbers below 34816 are assigned by several agencies; NetFlow Tracker comes with many of these ASes already named. Numbers between 34816 and 64511 are held by the IANA and should not be used. Numbers above 64511 are for private use and can be named using this page. You can assign or edit the name for a public or reserved AS by clicking “(more…)” in the title of the AS column.

Subnet Names

This page lets you assign names to the IP subnets that appear in reports. The network mask length appearing in a network report is the one used by the router to route the traffic described, so you may need to configure names for subnets that overlap.

Database Settings

This page lets you improve the performance of reports and charts, and change the number of days for which data is retained.

Expect large result sets controls the method by which the database server manipulates raw data. If you have a fast disk subsystem you should set this to “Always” to ensure reports over large amounts of data perform well. If you have a slower disk subsystem, lots of RAM and a relatively small amount of data, you might consider setting this to “Never”, but bear in mind that reports over large amounts of data may take considerably longer to run.

Maximum in-memory temporary table size is the maximum amount of memory the database server will use during a query when it has been told not to expect a large result set. Increasing this will increase the amount of data that can be reported on with “Expect large result sets” set to “Never” before there is a significant drop in performance.

Sort buffer size is the size of the buffer used to reduce the amount of disk seeks when sorting rows for grouping or final display. Increasing this will improve reporting speed, but you are unlikely to see much improvement for sizes above 128MB.

Hold back real-time data for determines the number of seconds after its end each one-minute sample of real-time data is held in RAM before being committed to disk. You may need to increase this to avoid ignored flows.

MySQL can not access temporary files should be unchecked to improve the performance of inserts database. However, it is possible that on Unix the user the NetFlow Tracker user runs as has a umask that creates temporary files that MySQL cannot read; in this case you must check this setting.

Number of threads to use to generate a report controls the number of threads used to generate real-time charts over time and pie charts. You should not set this to more than the number of CPU cores in your system and are unlikely to see any benefit beyond 4.


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Contents NetFlow Tracker Contents LONG-TERM Reports Appendix 2 CSV File Format Grant of Licence and Payment of Fees Software License AgreementCopyright Customer Remedies Confidential Information and Security User’s Guide version NetFlow Tracker Definitions Support Charges Support ServicesUndertakings by You Supplier’s UndertakingsIntellectual Property Rights Limitation of Liability and indemnityTermination Miscellaneous Confidential Information and SecuritySupport Hours Exceptions to Support ServicesResponse Times What is NetFlow Tracker? What is NetFlow?Features and Benefits IntroductionUser’s Guide version NetFlow Tracker Pre-installation Checks InstallationMinimum System Requirements Operating System SupportInstallation on Microsoft Windows Installation on Linux Post-installation Tasks Set up web front-end security Set up Snmp community stringsConfigure your routers and switches Add listener portsUsing NetFlow Tracker Interfaces Device traffic metersChanging the displayed chart Working with ChartsChart legend Per-AS dataView a standard chart as a tabular report View a standard chart as a pie chartZooming Zooming outExport a chart to another application Alter the filter applied to a standard chartPrint the chart Open the chart in a new windowWorking with Tabular Reports Working with Pie ChartsExamine a single row Sort a tabular reportAddress Reports Report TemplatesSession Reports Network Reports QoS ReportsInterface Reports Creating Filtered ReportsTraffic Identification Reports Other ReportsSample size Report templateSource data Start timeSource device Time zoneInterface Out interfaceSource port ProtocolDest port Src/dest portTraffic class DiffServSource AS Dest ASDevices and Interfaces Long-term ReportsPer-device and Per-interface Long-term Reports Filter EditorUser’s Guide version NetFlow Tracker Reports General Form Report URL FormatReport Format Parameters 0024 00230025 0026Pie ChartNumber TrueSections Features128 256Time Range Parameters Hour MillisDay WeekCalendar-based advanced Time range will extend for this number of unitsApplying a time-of-day mask to the time range HHmmDay1-day2/time1-time2 105 110100 113120 115140 125300 285Minute DailyFilter Parameters Addr1-addr2 NamePort1-port2 Port/number Port/namePort1-port2/name Port1-port2/numberTos PrecPrec%20tos CodeMask Addr/maskSecurity Parameters PasswordUsername Secret Management Portal Access Control ParametersNull VPN Out VPN Chart selection headers Chart scrollbarFilter Editor button, if applicable Refresh and Resolve All buttons, if applicableDatabase Server Settings Performance TuningDisk Speed Query SizeSnmp Settings Configuration GuideLicensing Listener PortsDevice Settings Device SettingsDevice List Sampled Data Scaling VPNs Security SettingsHttp//proxy/tracker1/report1 Management Portal SettingsHttp//tracker1/report.jsp?portalsecret=secret&aclif= Http//proxy/tracker1/report.jsp?portalacl=RewriteEngine On Using Apache as a Portal ServerRewriteRule /tracker1/.*$ http//$1 P,L,QSA ProxyPassReverse /tracker1/ http// Settings Report SettingsReal-time Reports Scheduled Reports Saved FiltersLong-term Reports Executive Reports Span class=repdesctextTest/span Content Nelements=5 and chartWidth=400Sub-reports User’s Guide version NetFlow Tracker IP Application Names Hostname Resolution SettingsDiffServ Names AS Names Database SettingsSubnet Names Backup Archiving Memory SettingsPerformance Counters Traffic Described NetFlow Data ReceivedIgnored Flows Unprocessed FlowsetsNo In Interface AboutEnabling Netflow Export on an IOS Device Appendix 1 Device ConfigurationIp cef Ip flow-export destination addressIp flow-cache timeout inactive Ip flow-cache timeout activeShow ip flow export Show ip cache flow Show ip cache verbose flowMls netflow Ip route-cache flow infer-fieldsMls nde sender version Mls aging longUser’s Guide version NetFlow Tracker Set mls nde enable Set mls bridged-flow-statistics enable vlanlistSet system name name Set mls nde addressEnabling Flow Detail Records on a Packeteer Device Flow-sampler-map allflows mode random one-out-of 1 exitEnabling NetFlow on an Enterasys Device Pie chart CSV format Chart CSV formatAppendix 2 CSV File Format Tabular report CSV formatPie chart XML format Chart XML formatAppendix 3 XML Format Tabular report XML formatAppendix 4 Third Party Software Components JspSmartUpload Quartz